Chapter 2

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Once the room calmed down, Kevin and Heath order everyone to sit down and start explaining the plot and every little detail about the movie they have in mind.

''We know everyone is very excited, we are too, but you should all know that this will be one of the biggest things for the show we will ever get. This is our chance to show that Austin and Ally is still the number one show on Disney Channel.'' Heath begins to tell everyone, the four cast members in particular.

''Yes, if we nail this movie, it might take up a spot in the ten biggest Disney movies of all time!'' Kevin adds and sticks his fist in the air to give it more power. The whole room cheers again and Calum and Ross imitate Kevin's fist pump while Raini and Laura squeal and clap their hands.

Laura is still giggling when she feels something buzzing in the pocket of her jeans. Wondering who could text her during work, she takes the phone out of her pocket and sees the last name she expected to see. She raises one eyebrow while shifting her gaze from her phone to the boy sitting opposite of her. Ross smirks when he sees that she noticed the text and nods his head toward her phone, signalling her to read it and starts typing another message under the table. Meanwhile, Kevin and Heath explain the plot of the movie, location and other pretty important stuff. Laura doubts for a second but then decides to read the single text Ross sent her. She will pay attention to the meeting after that, promise.

I want a rematch for that race, Marano

Laura can't help but giggle and quickly sends a response, completely forgetting the 'paying attention' thing.

No way, this is probably the only time I'll ever win from you

You cheated, it wasn't even a fair race

You're just a sore loser. You were the one who got distracted

Well, who wouldn't? Like I could even focus on the door at that moment

She starts blushing when reading that last text and looks over to Ross to see him smiling at his phone.

''Laura, on what location will we film the movie?''


The whole room waited for an answer, which she didn't have a clue of. Her only chance was a guess. She saw Raini making some hand gestures she didn't understand, Calum was looking constantly looking between her and Ross and Ross himself had his elbows on the table, holding his laughter while trying to hide his smirk behind his phone. Laura shoots him a deadly look which makes his grin even bigger.

Think, what is logical for Austin and Ally to go to? She didn't even know the plot, the only words she caught were something about snow, music, love, empire state-

''NEW YORK!'' She blurts out proudly when she connected all the puzzle pieces. Kevin narrowed his eyes while Laura kept looking at him expectedly.

''Lucky guess.'' He states and continued his story.

You troublemaker

YOU are the one who got me in trouble!

Trouble, trouble maker yeah that's your middle name

Don't think you can make me forgive you by quoting an excellent song

I can charm anyone over

Anyone but me

That hurts, Laur

You deserved that

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