Chapter 22

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''I can't believe you. Are you telling me you're breaking up with me because I'm not with you as you're trying to bust two of our fans for a crime they didn't commit?" Ally tears up as she backs up, shaking her head. Austin looks at her collapsed body, sitting on the bed as she looks at him. He turns away from her, avoiding her begging eyes as he grabs his backpack with one hand.

''I don't need you to save my career, Ally.'' Keeping his gaze on the ground, he sighs one more time. He steps forward, exiting the room as Ally's eyes stay on him, silently asking him to stay. As soon as the door closes with a soft click, Ally covers her eyes with both of her hands, softly whimpering.

''And cut!'' the director yells as he steps forward. Laura uncovers her eyes and shows him a wide smile, happy they finally finished the scene successfully. Not a second later, the door swings open which catches Laura's attention.

Ross runs up to Laura to lift her up, swinging her around before putting her down again and looks at her, smiling brightly. Laura giggles at him, her cheeks covered by her stage tears. With a swipe of his thumb, he removes the wetness from her face.

''So...'' They hear Raini speak in the dead silence. Looking at each other, Ross silently asks her for permission as he nods with his eyebrows raised. A smile appears on Laura's lips before turning to Raini.

''Ross and I are dating,''

The whole room starts clapping, some cheers and yells are audible as Raini runs over to tackle Laura in a hug. Calum also walks over to Ross to give him a ruffle through his hair before hugging him too. Raini squeals as she looks at the two. The room finally settles down before the writers speak up.

''As delighted we are to hear this amazing news,'' Heath looks at the couple, still in their embrace, ''I hope you understand that dating while shooting a show is hard. We love you guys, but you have to make sure it won't get in the way of your acting.''

''Don't worry about that Heath, we're professionals. And if it changes,'' Ross wraps his arm around Laura's shoulder as he looks down at her, ''it'll change for the better.''


The four cast members sit down in the hotel's restaurant for lunch. Laura and Ross enjoy their meals, their hands intertwined between their chairs, oblivious to the two sets of eyes staring at them from across the table. Ross looks up one time, noticing the two leaning forward on the table.

''What?'' He asks them after taking a bite from his pretzel. Laura looks up, curiously watching Ross before shifting her gaze to Raini and Calum as she takes a sip from her orange juice.

''What? What do you think? We wanna hear the story! Spill it!'' Calum shoves his chair even closer to the table as he looks at them expectantly. Ross and Laura exchange a look before they look at them confused.

''The story,'' Laura states in which the two nod unanimously.

''You know, what happened? How did it happen?'' Raini leans closer while lowering her voice. ''When did it happen.''

''What does it matter when it happened?'' Laura laughs uncomfortably, as she looks at Ross again who rubs his thumb over her hand comforting. Calum and Raini exchange one look, silently debating before Calum looks down guiltily.

''We made a bet.''

''You did what?'' Laura lets her glass come down on the table with a loud thud, gazing at him angrily.

''It wasn't anything serious! We just knew you guys would get together and we betted on how fast you would,'' Raini adds, laying a hand on Calum's shoulder as she defends him and herself.

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