Chapter 35

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''I can't believe we're going to Italy to promote the movie, I've been dying to go there again,'' Laura squeals while looking out her plane window. They were soaring over France now, the pilot announced minutes earlier, and the cloudless sky allowed them to see the millions of lights beneath them.

''Yeah, I can't wait either,'' Ross agrees, subtly looking at her from the chair next to her. He only had a day to rest after coming back from tour before he was sent to promote the movie with Laura. They hadn't spoken after they had said goodbye on the day he arrived and he could sense the untouched subjects in the air they would have to bring up one way or another. ''So, did you have fun going out the other night?''

''Oh, yeah. I had a lot of fun.'' She turns to him in her seat with a bright smile on her face. ''I hadn't seen all of my uni friends in a while.''

''I didn't know you and Andrew were still hanging out.'' Carefully gauging her reaction when mentioning the name, he introduces his hidden question.

''We bumped into each other a week ago and we talked for a while,'' she lets him know in a light tone while grabbing her phone from the table in front of her.

''After you hung up, I listened to your voicemail.'' This statement makes her freeze before looking at him from the corner of her eyes insecurely.

''I thought you deleted it.'' She gulps while diverting her eyes, avoiding his penetrating stare with a sense of guilt.

''What happened, Laura?'' He bluntly ignores her last statement by asking her the heavy question. Laura sinks further into her chair, inching away from him as she lowers her phone. When he notices her defensive posture, he turns his body towards her and deepens his stare.

''Nothing important.'' Lying again, she knew this one would never sound convincing. It would just be putting off the evil hour, but it gave her some time to think about how she would handle it.

''Don't lie to me again.'' He lowers his voice while grabbing her hand, trying to encourage her to tell the truth by intertwining their fingers. She feels a chill going through her body as he gives her that great feeling again for the first time in two months, making her glance at their hands before finally looking in his eyes. Sighing once, she turns to him.

''A magazine who wanted me on the cover had to photo shop my whole body cause they didn't find me pretty enough,'' she quickly summarises the reason for her voicemail in one sentence, wanting to spend as few words to it as possible. It stays silent as Ross tries to get all the information he needs from the single verdict, making Laura cough uncomfortably. ''Can we not talk about this? I had friends who helped me through it and I'd like to forget it happened.''

''Like Andrew?'' Knowing the friends who were there for her included him, made him angry, although he didn't know if he was angry at him, at Laura or at himself, for not being able to comfort her when she needed him. Laura's soft eyes harden when hearing the obvious but rude question as she frees her hand from his grip.

''What's that supposed to mean? Are you seriously getting mad that he took the effort to listen to me when you were too busy to even notice?'' She nailed her assumption and they both knew it. But that didn't make either feel any better.

''Don't even, Laur. You know how busy I was on tour, I couldn't be available twenty-four seven.'' Defending himself, he tries to make sure the subject isn't changing.

''Whatever, just let it go already. We can't fight on television in front of kids tomorrow.'' She breathes in and out to calm herself down before turning her attention back to the landscape beneath them. He stays silent next to her with only one thought going through his mind; this wasn't over yet.

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