Chapter 1: The Change

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Chapter 1: The Change

Ever since I was a kid I always hated myself for being so useless, almost not being able to do anything to help anyone, find anything or do anything. But that all changed when I became 14 there began to be things that only I could do and I could do things better.

It was my birthday when I became...different not a cloud in sight the perfect day or so I thought. I was playing with water bombs with my older brother and older sister when my brother and sister had an argument. It was over how if she were to inherit the family name our name would be put to disgrace as she was a female but if he were to inherit it he would do anything to honour the family. At the time Yuri was to be next to inherit the name of our family but my brother, Usui wanted to over rule her and take over the family name. Although those times were modern we still followed the old customs about the family name and inheritance of the family name. The fight had deteriorated to Usui threatening to kill her there and right there in front of me while she was trying to calm him down as she was not a child of violence. I was there too trying to calm him down when he drew his knife that mother had given to him a few days before she dies. I felt for the knife father had given to me on his deathbed as an instinct from the short but effective months of training to use a blade.

He charged at me but I easily evaded him, was about to strike him when I hesitated.

'Although he is my enemy he is still my brother and I can't hurt him to kill him' Ithought.

His way of holding his knife was sloppy, although me and him took classes together for using a blade he never paid attention in them meaning he could never learn how to use a blade properly unless he began to listen in class. While I was thinking he charged at me, in the background I could hear Yuri screaming for Usui to calm down, she saw I wasn't going to hurt him so she only concentrated on calming Usui down. Though none of it worked, his anger cocooned him from his common sense and conscience screaming at him to stop. All that Yuri said went to waste but she kept on going. I side stepped from his charge making him nearly ram straight into a tree. He came again when I heard Yuri screaming at Usui become louder.

'What are you doing Usui, this isn't something to fight over. Why are you fighting your own brother when it's a fight between me and you'.

'Shit, I'm in front of Yuri, if I move he will attack Yuri but if I stay here I will get stabbed'.

He was milliseconds away when I heard Yuri scream at me to move.


I looked at her with a smile.

'I'd rather die than let one of you die, even if I died by my own flesh and blood I don't care'.

I felt the blade cold as ice slowly pierce my heart making me buckle to the ground dying from a wound to the heart. Yuri screamed and began to frantically run to me when I fell.

I fell noticing Yuri's scream had awakened Usui from his state of anger and his face was painted with disgust of what he himself had done. The sky was greying and all I heard was the sound of Yuri's frantic footsteps and Usui cursing at himself.

'Don't you dare die, if you die I'll kill myself', He yelled at me.

'I'm sorry Usui', I said as a weariness flooded me.

The next time I woke up was in a bed at the manor. I thought I had died as I felt sure the blade had pierce my heart. But I was alive somehow, I could feel the warmth from my own body and the heart beat my own heart made. I looked around the room noticing it was my own room, painted with the colour red from the sun setting into the sea. I listened for the swish of the ocean against the rocks when I heard someone else breathing 2 people actually. I smelt perfume lots of it and a scent very similar to mine when I noticed these were the smells of Yuri and Usui. I looked to make sure of my hypothesis only to see I was right. I closed my eyes and attempted to rest again when I noticed something of myself was not correct. That I had had a revelation of something in my own mind I felt as if the doors to a part of my mind had finally been unlocked. When I heard the sound of Yuri waking up and soon following Usui. I opened my eyes and saw they had been woken by my movement in bed as I woke up and thought. I felt them raise their heads to see if I was awake and surprised them as I flipped my eyes open to greet them quietly with a smile. I saw them both pinch each other to make sure they were not dreaming, I laughed.

'IZO!', She screamed.

Usui came to me a clapped me on the back smiling. 'Made it through huh'.

I felt for my chest, 'Aren't I meant to be dead?'.

I was met with silence.

'A lot happened to keep you alive', Usui said gloomily.

I glanced at him quickly seeing his face painted with despair and sadness but his keen eyes noticed me, he quickly changed his face to his usual smile of cheerfulness. I knew how bad he felt and said that it was okay and that it was my fault for not being able to calm him down he smiled and said 'thank you for you forgiveness but it was my fault, I lost myself to anger and charged at you to kill you'. He continued saying

'I had wanted to really hurt you but you didn't care and still refused to stab me even though you were the better swordsman'.

Yuri got annoyed and pushed us onto another subject when she noticed my eye colour had changed.

'Izo your eyes', she started, 'They are different colours' she ended.

I stood up to look at the mirror to see my eyes only to be caught by Usui as I tottered and stumbled from the pain of my wound into his hands.

'Heh sorry', I quickly apologised.

He sat me back down in my bed and went to get the hand mirror on my dressing table and gave it to me. I quickly looked in the mirror to see that my hair was in a horrible state saying I needed a brush as a joke. When I saw my eyes. Both eyes changed colour, they were now gold with a tinge of brown.

'Oh' I sighed.

Then the door opened, it was uncle and aunty who had been looking after us since our parents died to check on me as they had heard the scream from Yuri a few minutes ago.

They were delighted to see me awake as uncle greeted me by saying, 'Heh wasn't that the best birthday present' and aunty crying with happiness.

I smiled at them both thanking them for looking after me as I was asleep then it hit me, I didn't know how long I was asleep. I asked Yuri and was met with a silence.

Uncle answered for Yuri saying, 'You've been asleep for 2 weeks'.

I was shocked to think I had been asleep for 2 weeks then I wondered how I got back to the manor. When I was about to ask uncle his servant came and said that they were both needed somewhere else. So the quickly apologised and left reluctantly. So instead I asked Usui.

He answered saying 'When you blacked out I ran to the manor and called uncle out of the hearing in process and told him about me. I explained how it happened too and expected to be sent to the dungeons but uncle said I was to be spoken about it later. When he arrived to where you were you were dead but he did not lose hope. He sat down beside you and began CPR he told me to put pressure on your wound and began CPR. Uncle had stopped when you suddenly heaved a shallow breath and your heart began beating again. Although he was wearing his favourite shirt he ripped off a part of it and wrapped it tightly around your wound. He then carried you to the manor and demanded that his doctor was to prioritise you as very urgent and stop all she was doing to see to you. After that the doctor put you on oxygen, bandaged you up and gave you a strange soup that seemed to recolour your body to a better colour to what it was. And here you are, the doctor came in occasionally to check you were okay and took you off oxygen after a week because your breathing stabilised'.

I asked Yuri how bad I was when Usui left. She answered saying

'Blood was gushing out of your wound and that your breathing was either very very shallow or you had not breathed at all'.

I all of a sudden didn't feel well when I fainted and slept for at least another day.


Yo! Yea i know the grammar is really bad but i'm writing on and ipod can you blame me >.< hmm anyway i promise i'll make it better with more chapters ^.^ Actually I've already written the other chapters it's just i don't wanna upload them all at once and than have this massive break while writing the rest.... It get's pretty intense hehe ^.^ bye maybe i'll just upload the whole thing

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