Chapter 27

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That night I laid beside Lennie in my bed and told her everything. From my crush to our talks to the possibility that he might be flirting with a hope that she wouldn't judge me.

"You've got the hots for the hot doctor?" was the first thing she said with a smirk spread right across her face.

I couldn't help but blush.

"Look how red you're getting!" She squealed.

I shushed her quickly as she wasn't even suppose to be in my room at this hour.

"Okay. So was that you venting or do you want my opinion?" She propped herself up on one elbow as she asked this.

"The latter please," I needed help with this mess...drastically.

"Well I'm pretty observant, I would say, despite my constant yapping and I've seen how the man takes a special interest in you. He seems to genuinely like you outside of what the job permits. Especially with what you've said about the possible flirting."

"But what if he doesn't feel that way and I'm way in over my head?" I question immediately.

"Well then you'll just have to draw him out," Lennie's face became masked in her signature "I've got a plan" look and it scared me.

"And how exactly do you propose I do that? Did you not hear when I said the man literally lost all the blood from his face today when I mentioned him flirting with me?" I plopped down onto my back and sighed.

"Well you've got all these one and one sessions with him. Make use of them is what I would do," Lennie winked down at me.

"Are you saying I should try to seduce him?!" I whisper yelled, quite taken aback.

"I'm saying you should go for what you want. Life is really too short to be playing games. And besides...age is literally just a number," she began to play with my hair as she spoke.

"How does one seduce their thirty-two year old Doctor?" I begin to ponder.

"How do you know his age? Did you ask?" Lennie inquires.

"No. Actually, today he made a point of how inappropriate him flirting with me would be because he's fifteen years my senior," I explained.

Lennie's face immediately lit up, "Oh, this is perfect!" She giggled.

"For the love of God be quiet and what's perfect?" I question after lightly slapping her arm.

"Don't you see, Nicole? Unless he's really good at math and can calculate mid-sentence without even a brief pause then that means he must have checked your age difference before hand," Lennie sat up now, her face beaming.

I gave her a quizzical look, still not clear as to how this was relevant to my current predicament. Plus I was almost sure he was good at math...being a doctor and all.

"This means he's been thinking about you in a non-doctor and patient sort of way. What other reason would he have for checking your age difference?" Lennie did have a point though what she was proposing was completely risqué.

"I wouldn't even know where to start with seducing him," I admit. I was very awkward and would more than likely screw it all up.

"I've seen you read that Lolita book a million times and I've seen the movie so I know the jig. Also, I've admittedly peaked at some of your writing and I know you're good with words so use that to your advantage," Lennie had returned to laying beside me.

I turn to face her though I can only see the side profile, "That's actually not a bad idea. He did say we could communicate using letters until I felt comfortable enough to vocally open up to him." I thought for a moment, "But isn't that a huge risk?"

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