Chapter 8

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My father had taken no time between showing up to the  studio drunk and demolishing it. It was almost like there was a concert in town. Everyone showed up to watch a building that had been rooted in the history of Lakeshore turn to dust. This, of course, meant good business for Sherby's. Almost everyone was snacking on something off their menu.

Abriana thought it was best if I didn't go but I insisted that I was okay enough to watch...

I was wrong.

Watching Stanley Studios crumble to the ground was like watching my mother die a second time. It was this time that the tears came. The bawling. The fit of panic that should have engulfed me the first time. Abriana tried her best to console me...but I don't think there was anything -at that point- anyone could have done to make the pang inside my chest go away.

When it was all over with. I slugged home. Abriana wanted to spend some time with me but I refused. I walked slowly up my drive way. I had already made up my mind but my body wasn't agreeing. I pulled myself up the stairs to my bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and sank to the floor. I'm sure if anyone could have seen me then they would have thought I was over-reacting. But there are no words to explain losing a mother. There a no words to explain losing your only connection to her. When Stanley was erect, I could always feel my mother's essence near by. Now with it gone...I felt this inexplicable void.

I grabbed a notepad and a pen from my desk and began to write:

Dear Mom,
I lost you again....

What came next was a surprise to many people. My father, Junie, Chris, Abri (I'm a thousand times sorry), the cashier from Sherby'

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