Chapter 19

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The week had gone by pretty quickly...or maybe that was just because I was zoned out for most of it. But it was finally Saturday and I was allowed to use my phone for the day. As soon as Alex brought them up to the wing I grabbed mine along with the charger out of a plastic container it had been held it with the other phones.

I speed walked to my room without even saying thank you and plugged it in. The Apple sign came up on the screen after about five minutes, indicating that it was turning on. When it finally did I expected to see tons of messages and missed calls from Abriana but there were only two on iMessage from her...the rest were notifications from my social media.

I opened Abriana's first message from the Sunday I first came here. It read-

Hey Nicole. I miss you so much already. I hope you get settled in alright. Call me.

The next had come in on Wednesday night;

Nicole! Please call me as soon as you see this!!!!

I went to my call log and dialed her number after reading that. It rang three times before she picked up.

"Hello?" her voice was almost inaudible.

I responded two seconds later than I should have, "Abriana." I truly didn't know what else to say.

"Nicole." She said my name after a while, in a very flat tone.

"What's up?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably on my bed.

"Why don't you tell me?" She responded coyly.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I retort immediately.

"Well your father told m-" I cut her off immediately.

"My father told you what?!" I inquired. Though it came out as more of a demand as I grew rather impatient hearing her mention my father.

"He told me that you didn't want to hear from me," she said after a moment of silence.

"And when did you start believing my father, Abri?!" I said, exasperated, throwing my free hand up in the air incredulously as if she could see me.

"Nicole, he's..." she trailed off. Either trying to find the words or not having them at all.

"He's what?!" At this point I'm beyond aggravated.

"He's telling everyone you're away at private school in New York," her tone of voice became a bit less defensive.

I didn't expect any better from my father. He was very concerned with his reputation and I knew he would come up with some story to replace the very ugly truth.

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I spoke, "Why are you changing the subject Abriana? I know my Dad's an asshole."

"You just don't get it Nicole!" She raised her voice now.

"What don't I get? That I've only been here a week and already he's got you under his spell? That the one person in the world I thought would never leave me-" she cut off my string of rhetorical questions.
"He threatened us Nicole," it was only a whisper but I heard her loud and clear.

"What?" I breathed out. I knew my dad was capable of a whole lot. And of the lot he was really big on threats. "Who is us?" I added quickly.

"My family," she said in another soft tone.

I stayed quiet, waiting for her to continue.

"My dad's been out of work for a while and we were on the verge of losing the house. I'm not even sure how your dad knew but he did and the day before you left he offered my parents money. Apparently enough money to shut us all up about you, pay off our mortgage and still have some left over to keep us well on our feet for at least the next 6 months until my father finds work again," I could hear her voice cracking. Her pain hung to each word she spoke.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Abriana never once said anything about her situation to me. She was always bubbly. But as I had the thought I realized that she was only bubbly because she had to be. She was bubbly for my sake. She always listened to me complain but never complained. She always did her best to console me but was never consoled by me. She put her problems on the back burner because I was hurting.

I suddenly wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. I felt exceedingly guilty as I sat there listening to her. I've been a terrible friend.

"Abriana-" I started but she cut me off again.

"That's not even all, Nicole. He told me that if I ever spoke to you or visited he would make sure my father never worked again. I don't even know if he has that kind of power but I don't wanna take any chances," she sounded absolutely distraught.

I didn't have the words, "Abriana, I am so sorry."

"No Nicole, I'm sorry," she cried, "I'm sorry that I can't be your friend anymore."

And with that she hung up.

I sat there motionless. I could hear my mind begging to cry but my body wouldn't allow it. I felt completely stripped of yet another part of me. father was to blame.
Hey guys,

Please vote, comment and share. Also go follow my Instagram @jada_bing where I post my poetry, thanks. - Jada.

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