Chapter 9

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Abriana's P.O.V

I was deeply worried about Nicole that night. I never had the right words but God knows I wish I did if it meant seeing her truly happy again. She was deserving of love and warmth and I didn't have the capacity to give her the amount she needed to truly heal.

She always tried to act tough but I could see all the cracks...I could see how broken she is. She lost both parents at a very young age. Her mother to cancer and her father to her mother.  It's not right. No young lady should have to raise herself the way Nicole had to.

That night I felt uneasy. There was this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach...this urge  to check on Nicole. I shoved some clothes and other necessities into a small bag, deciding that no matter how much she protested earlier I was going to stay with her tonight.

My parents knew how much Nicole meant to me, they understood fully why I was going over to my friend's house at 10pm.

I glided across the street and jogged up to the front door. I knew no one in this neighborhood really left their front doors locked what with it being a safe place but I still knocked a couple times. Mr Sinclair wasn't home yet which I was grateful for. When Nicole didn't open up I just walked in, figuring she was probably reading with her headphones in or something of the sort and didn't hear me.

I closed the door behind me, the house was dark as if no one was home but I could see a small light coming from upstairs. I took this to mean that Nicole was still awake, probably laying in her room reading as I had suspected.

"Nicole, I know you said you are okay but because I'm such an awesome best friend I'm staying no matter what you say," I sang this as I walked upstairs and to her room.

There was no answer, I pushed her door open.

It's safe to say that what I saw emotionally gutted me.

"Oh no," was all I managed to say as my eyes welled up with tears, as the lurching in my stomach worsened.

I rushed to Nicole's limp body. She lay peaceful, mouth watering, eyes rolled over and the pills that didn't make it into her mouth sprawled out around her.

"No, no, no, no," I repeated, brushing the hair from her face.

I had never been in a situation like this before but I thought it would be best to check if she was breathing despite my shock. I lowered my head to her nose. She was breathing but just slightly.

I pulled my bag open frantically, pulled out my cell phone and called 911.

"Hello, local police. Whats your emergen-" I cut off the curt sounding woman.

"My friend overdosed, please hurry!!"  I cried into the phone. My words almost incomprehensible.

"Okay I'm gonna need you to breathe ma'am. Can you tell me at what time your friend may have consu-" I cut her off again. The woman was following protocol but I didn't have time for that. Nicole didn't have time for that.

"No, Nicole needs to breathe so would you just send a fucking ambulance!" After my outburst I gave her the address.

I stroked Nicole's hair not knowing how to help, "Don't leave me Nicole. Please don't leave me." I sobbed uncontrollably. To the point where I felt like throwing up.

10 minutes later I heard an ambulance siren. I could hear the paramedics coming up the stairs, "In here!" I yelled, my voice cracking.

Please vote and comment guys. I know the build is really slow but I really wanted to develop Nicole as a character so you can really understand why she's the way she is in present day. Another Abriana P.O.V coming next chapter.

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