Chapter 21

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Caught up in my daze from speaking with the hot Doctor, I didn't even remember about my "visitor" until Alex came up to my wing to escort me right after group sesh. It was the perfect opportunity to grill him.

"So, she's your aunt?" I asked, referring to Ms Allione who was deep in conversation with Elizabeth, one of the girls from this Wing.

"You found out about that, huh?" He didn't look at me as he spoke, opening the door and ushering me out.

"Yeah...yesterday. That's what I wanted to ask you about when I interrupted your conversation. Sorry about that by the way," I could help but blush as I spoke, the memory of Dr Gaines' beautiful green eyes rushing in.

This did not go unnoticed by Alex. "I see someone's got a crush on Dr Gaines," he said in a teasing but hushed tone.

I didn't say anything, my blush just grew brighter.

"He'll actually be officially up for grabs come January when he starts working here so, if you plan on sticking around that long, you'll get an eye-full everyday if you beat everyone to it," he stuck his hands into the pockets of his shirt as he spoke.

'If you plan on sticking around that long' he said that as if I had a choice.

"Up for grabs?" I question, my skin suddenly warming up at the idea.

"Dr Gaines is a specialized psychologist. He typically isn't attached to a single Wing like my aunt is now but rather should have up to three patients that he alone deals with. Outside of that he's also just a general practitioner so he deals with the health of all the guests here from common colds to broken thumbs," he explained smoothly.

"And how crazy do you have to be around here to get that kind of treatment?" As I referred to the first part of what Alex had just said, I was only half joking as I seriously would not mind being a patient of his.

"Well the patients that he gets, and others like himself, are typically those who don't feel comfortable speaking with the Doctors assigned to their Wings," he swayed a bit as he said this, almost bumping into me.

"Oh," was all I said.

Though my insides were slowly turning to jelly talking about Dr Gaines, I decided not to speak further on the topic. I needed to get back to finding out how much his aunt told him about me and the crippling depression she was well aware of.

"How much do you actually know about me?" I asked, turning slightly to look him.

His eyes met mine in confusion.

"As in...seeing as though your aunt is my therapist..." I trailed off, not really knowing how to phrase it.

He understood though, "Ah. Well, despite her being my relative, she isn't suppose to tell me anything about her patients. However, I am suppose to report to her about anything and everything I get from interacting with them for the records."

"What did you tell her about me?" I was curious.

He looked uncertain but responded anyway,
"I told her that you obviously went through something very traumatic that has sucked away your will to truly live. Not live in the sense of have a pulse but live as in enjoy life and all it comes with. I also told her you are clearly wise beyond your years perhaps because of all the reading I see you doing."

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