Chapter 2

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"Hey guys," after slipping into the room, announced by the rather loud door, I drop my duffle bag down and peel my over-sized t-shirt over my head to reveal my light pink ballet clothing.

"Nicki," they all turned to me with small smiles  in response to my greeting then went back to their stretching. I fell into place and began to stretch as well.

These days, dance was the only thing that kept my soul at bay. The two hour class every Wednesday and Saturday, though I didn't need much practice anymore and therefore didn't need to be here, was my only period of relaxation. I could let everything go with every movement of my limbs.

I could pretend for a second that my life wasn't a steaming hot pile of shit since....I missed her so much. I exhale trying to get rid of the thought that was about to flood my mind. Thank God Mrs Millioni came in as soon as the thought did to start the class.

"Alright girls, I hope you had a good week but it's crunch time. Fall into formation, we're gonna run Dance Number 21," she turned the stereo on as we got into position.


After dance class I sat in the stairwell waiting for Abriana to come down so we could walk home together. Abriana is probably the only girl from dance class that I had a close friendship with. She's lived two houses down from mine for the past eight years.

We were very much alike in our passion for dance, our appreciation for Emily Brontë, and our utter distaste for the sexist world in which we were forced to be immersed.

Abriana, contrary to expectation, was a thin shapeless girl with olive skin that burst with grayish freckles. She's about 5'4 in height, much shorter than my height of 5'9. She was there for me when my mother died, she's there for me now as I deal with emotionally unavailable father who secretly blames me for her death.

"Nicole, don't you know that sitting on stairs is bad for the Chi?" she all but ran passed me, ruffling her hand in my curly brown hair as she did.

"You've been reading cereal boxes again, haven't you?" I followed after her as quickly as I could.

"No but I have been reading those discover stories on Snapchat and apparently sitting on stairs confuses your spirit's natural compass," she said almost incomprehensibly as she signed out. Junie looked up at her with a confused expression, always working to figure the little firecracker out.

"I'll take my chances," I whispered as I too signed out by putting the time and signing beside my name in Junie's tattered black book.

"Bye girls, see you next week!" Junie called after us as I tried to keep up with the bouncing ball of energy that is Abriana.

"Ice-cream?" She turns to me, skipping backwards.

"You are gonna bust your ass one of these fine days A," I reach out to still her.

"I'll take my chances," she mimics my earlier sentiment.

I can't help but shake my head and smile at her as we walk to Sherby's.

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