Chapter 16

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When I woke up, there was still a lot of light coming in. This told me I wasn't asleep for more than a few hours. I could hear sounds coming from outside my door. I figured it was the other girls who lived on this wing. I slowly got out of bed and worked my feet into my flip-flops. I sat at the edge of my small bed contemplating going out there or just keeping myself locked in here for as long as humanly possible.

I guess the universe decided for me because there was a knock on my door. I got up quickly and rushed toward it. But I froze as I felt the handle. I was never really a social butterfly and I was becoming exceedingly anxious being here. The person knocked again, forcing me to open it.

Outside my room stood a middle-aged women with brown wavy hair that cascaded down her body from graying roots. Her face was folded into a mass of wrinkles and her under-eyes were hollow, a clear sign of being exhausted (I could relate to that, I was always tired these days). However, she was still astonishingly beautiful. Her body was long and slender, covered by a white coat- revealing her identity as a Doctor.

"Hello Nicole. I hope I didn't wake you," she smiled and reached out her right hand.

I smiled awkwardly and took it with my left, shaking it.

"I'm Doctor Allione. I'm the counselor assigned to this wing," she retrieved her hand letting it fall to her side.

"Yeah, Alex told me," I began to feel awfully fidgety.

"Such a nice boy," she smiled widely as she said this, obviously quite fond of him. "I just wanted to introduce myself and see how you feel. So, how do you feel?"

I decided to be honest,"Just a bit nervous." Though that didn't nearly express how I really felt...

"That's completely understandable but don't think of this place as some hospital. Think of it as a nice getaway because it sure looks and feels like one, am I right?" She joked. I could see she was trying to get me to relax.

I smile slightly and nod.

"Oh, I almost forgot. These are for you, basically a little welcome package," she held out a brown folder to me as she spoke.

I took it from her hands and clutched it to my chest, "Thank you."

"Not a problem at all dear. It already says it all in there but you must be up and ready by 9 am in the morning to have breakfast which ends at 10. After that you'll come back here to my office for a personal session with me and then we will both join the group of girls from both this wing and the one across the hall for our daily meeting right here," she paused to motion toward the sitting area behind her then turned back to me with a half smile and continued, "which goes up until 12 usually but can go a little over. Especially tomorrow seeing as though our one to one may cut into the time. After that you are free to have lunch and relax."

I raised my eyebrows a bit, taken aback by what she was saying and how fast she was saying it but concealed it and nodded quickly before she had time to notice.

"Good. Welcome to Burkley Manors Nicole. I'm sure you've heard that like 10 times since you've arrived but truly...welcome," she smiled very sincerely, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear to reveal a beautiful pearl.

"Thank you, Doctor," I smile and hug the folder even tighter to me.

She turned to leave. "Feel free to go to the food court and grab a bite to eat," she said as she unlocked her office door. She didn't wait for my response before going inside.

I shut my door and immediately went to my desk to review the contents of the folder. There was a schedule and a map.

I picked up the schedule to read it over.

I picked up the schedule to read it over

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There was an activity slot to be filled. I truly hoped that going the library or computer lab was considered an activity because I was never going to dance again and I had never been good at anything else.

Later that afternoon I headed down to the food court as Miss Allione has recommended. I thanked God that there was no one in the sitting area as I left. However, as soon as I went into the the court, I felt as though everyone was watching me. Though that was more than likely my mind.

I approached the snack bar and got myself some Cheetos, an apple and a glass of orange juice. I then went to sit at an empty table and snack away quietly.  I almost spilled my drink when Alex suddenly popped up in front me.

"Woah, I didn't mean to scare you, Nicole," he looked apologetic.

I didn't say anything. Words weren't really my forte these days.

He noticed my silence and smiled,"I got your stuff. I was going to take them up to you but I noticed that you came in here."

He revealed my book and my newly bottled face wash and lotion.

"Thank you," I said, taking them from his hands.

He nodded and left. I hoped that everyone here was as nice. Maybe this wouldn't be so terrible after all.
Hey guys,

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