Chapter 6

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After yet another week of school, all hell broke loose.

I walked into Stanley Studios with Abriana, she (as usual) was going on about Kent and how she was sure he used women's shampoo because she smiled like Kiwi and strawberry.

We had both expected to walk into the reception area, sign in and go about our Saturday as normal but instead we heard,"This was not the agreement." It was the sound of Junie weeping.

"You are really a two timing bastard, you know that Sinclair?" I was shocked to see Chris jabbing a finger at my father.

"I invested money into this cheap old place and therefore I can do whatever I want with it," Richard remained calm and collective, hands tucked into the pockets of his well-tailored suit.

"What's going on?" I finally spoke up, walking closer to them.

"Nothing Nicole, go upstairs," my father didn't bother to look at me as he said this.

"No, what's going on? I'm not leaving until someone answers me. Last Sunday I see Junie giving you 'paperwork' and now you guys are arguing about an agreement?" I push myself in front of him despite Abriana's attempt to pull me upstairs and away from the feud.

"It really isn't our goddam business little girl, I'm dealing with clients," his lips are pressed into a hard line, a sign that he's in no mood to argue with me.

"Since when are Christoper and Junie clients?" I squint my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm not gonna tell you again to stay out of this, it's not your business," he looks over my head at Chris who is now standing behind me.

"You know what? I'm tired of all this sneaking around Richard. It is her business," Junie spoke up now, coming from behind her desk where she was just sobbing.

I turn my attention to her, waiting for her to explain,"Nicole, Chris and I couldn't afford to keep this place going any longer so your father offered to help us out. Well now that he practically owns more than half of the Studio, he wants to demolish the whole thing and make a new office building." Junie's eyes water as she speaks.

"You wouldn't!" I turn sharply to face my father.

My father was known for being firm in his decisions,"I can do what I want."

"Clearly without concern for anyone else you selfish asshole," I spit at him, now fuming with anger. I pay no mind to Abriana telling me to come with her.

"You better watch your mouth little girl," that vein begins to pop out of his head.

"Or what?!" I challenge him, something sure to drive him up a wall.

"Or I'll-" Chris cuts him off, "Or you'll hit her again?"

"You wouldn't dare touch this place?" I revert the argument to my father's selfish plans.

"You wouldn't dare open your mouth again!" He raises his voice, never lowering his hand, hating to be challenged.

"Fuck you!" I push his hand away from me and run out of the studio before he has a chance to respond.

Abriana's voice sounded like a hum as I ran, only hearing the beating of my own heart.

Looking back I must have ran for three hours non-stop. I didn't know where I was running to or why I ran. I just needed to get away.

When I decided to return to Lakeshore it was about 7:30pm. The ancient streetlights lit the place up. A few shops were still open, people drinking coffee and chatting.

Stanley closed at 6pm everyday unless there was a show. I knew no one would be there as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a copy of the key to the front door that Junie had given me a while back.

I didn't bother to turn on the light in the lounge, I headed right upstairs to room 6A and flicked the light on. I threw my duffle bag into its usual spot, peeled my sweater over my head and threw it over a chair. I got my CD out of my bag and put it into the the stereo.

As the familiar intro began to play, a somber feeling washed over me. This CD had belonged to my mother. It was the last song she danced to before she passed, Heart Cry by Drehz. My father had packed it with my mother's other things to be thrown out.

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