Sally 3

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Feather: "Wha? Where am I?"

"You're in the void... Falling in an endless pit, not knowing where you're going but mostly down... I mean, you can control the speed you're falling, but still falling anyway."

Feather: "Who are you? Where are you?"

"I'm not someone important, I'm someone that would be soon forgotten."

Feather: "Don't say that... If I got here I'll remember you..."

"That's sweet of you to say Feather. You can't see me because... You could almost say I am the void, either that or just in your head, but that would seem lonely."

Feather: "So, you're the void. I don't know what I'm seeing..."

"Yes, and well, the void is like falling through the universe. It looks beautiful doesn't it?"

Feather: "I mean yes, all the colors and it's just... wonderful.... Why am I here, where is everyone else?"

"Don't you remember what happened before falling in the darkness?"

Feather: "No... not really... I sort of blanked out. Can I fall slower I'm, scared."

"What should you be afraid of? You've already increased to your limit haven't you? This time is the real deal, except you're losing control and going too far. At this rate you won't be able to stop it..."

Feather: "What? What do you mean? All I did was-..."

"All you did was trying to save a loved one. All you did in the end is kill many... I swear not innocent ones, just the gangs in that area of town... you still made it so horrific... it's still happening now."

Feather: "Aren't you gonna help me stop myself?"

"Do I have to hold your hand through everything? I'm kidding, you're just too young. What do you need to know?"

Feather: "How did I get to this and, how am I going to stop this?"

"Well first off you're falling too fast, your stress levels are rising. Why not take a nice deep breather shall we?"

Feather: *Inhales and exhales slowly.*

"That's better. Now think about falling slowly, slower than before."

*Her falling quickly steadied to a nice consistent pace. Her eyes open up to see the brightly colors skies.*

Feather: "The sky changed. Wasn't it galaxy like?"

"Yes, but it seems like you were also able to change the sky from your emotion. I wonder what skies you could create.... But nevermind that. We need you back, the other need you right now. Don't let your anger and grudge control you. Please just let go of Sally."

Feather: "What? Where's Sally- No... She's gone isn't she..."

"Sadly yes... I'm sorry Feather... This is why you came into the void."

Feather: "Sally... She suffered?"

"I wouldn't know... all we need is for you to go and control- W-what are you doing?!"

Feather: "She suffered... I saw it! That DOCTOR... HE'LL FUCKING PAY FOR THIS!"

"What are you doing?! The sky is changing! No it can't be... Fea stop it! Stop it now! Before it's too late!"

 Fea stop it! Stop it now! Before it's too late!"

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  *Feather breathes deeply in and screams a silent scream but can be heard loudly by the universe.* 

*Then she wakes up in her bed. 

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