My Story Part 3 - Turned Mad -

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NOTE - This would be the time how Feather and the other three got their powers and etc. Well my original story is here. But now that I had to change a bit things I'll write the changed part later. If you don't understand what I'm trying to say then you'll see later.

He shoved me in the car. He then stabbed me with a syringe and I felt drowsy. He drove away from the house we were just at. It seemed like I feel asleep, because I was in a cage. A cold hard metal cage. The once you'd put lions in. There were machines, syringes, bottles, chemicals, etc. There were many animals hooked onto a machine. The animals were, wolves, owls, cats, dogs, bears, horse, dolphin, tiger, monkey, and many others in a separate room.

How was this hidden from the world? How was this even possible?

The machine was a tube. There were at least four separate ones lines up together. Each one could fit a single person in there. The creepy man insulted everything about my existence and zapped my arms and legs with a sharp needle like tool. My whole felt numb, it was that point I couldn't move a centimeter of my body elsewhere. He then opened the cage door and dragged my limp body towards the tube. I started struggling but my arms wouldn't move. I tried to yell but nothing came out, even my mouth was shut tightly. He shoved me into the tight space and shut the clear door in front of my face.

I wanted to punch the door open but I couldn't. Wires tangled themselves up against my arms and legs. They shoved themselves deep into my skin and into my soft muscles drawing blood. It was incredibly painful. It felt like kicking a toothpick up your nail except now with your whole entire body. I bet this crazy guy paid my fake useless mother and father to give me to him so they'd get the money to guy more booze and get high off of drugs. Them bastards. The man went up to a larger machine and pulled down a rusty lever. Electricity flowed through the wires shocking the animals and my machine I was hooked up to. I heard the horrible screams and howls from the innocent creatures.

There was some kind of a mistake...

Something went wrong with the process.

The dangerous and poisonous chemicals fell from the high counter tops splashing right onto the exposed wires. The poor animals got drained they have disappeared leaving only their bones and powder/dust behind. The man fell to the ground in complete shock. He laughed hysterically while starting to crawl away from the whole mess he has just created himself. I screamed with all my might I had left in my soul. My exhausted throat became like the desert, grainy, dry, hot, and completely difficult to breathe with. Small shocks of left over electricity went right through me. But what's this? There was cold freezing water filling up around me. I didn't know what to feel anymore, I couldn't feel anymore. That whole thing left me completely speechless and numb all over. I started changing... I could feel something growing from me. A tail? Ears? Powers? A monster from my own self?... I don't know. When did I ever know? When the tired machine couldn't take anymore of this own bullshit it has shattered into bits and pieces of itself. Flying towards every direction it could. Water flowed out to the cold marble floor along with me. I breathed heavily. I ripped out the bloody wires and slowly crawled to the man, feeling nothing but anger and anguish.

"W-what!? You m-monster! You destroyed all my equipment! No... You belong to me now! I CREATED YOU!!!"

"I don't fucking belong to anyone you fucking hear me you bastard!? You mother fucker can't control me!"

I was angry. Very angry. Not even angry, I was raged to the point I could kill myself with. My sharp cat eyes were dangerously fiery red. I can't control myself. I couldn't control myself. I breathed heavily once more. My sharp long nails dug into my skin like needles again. The man laughed at me and watched in complete terror. He laughed at my stupidity. Why was he laughing when he knew it was the point of his death?

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