My Story Part 6 - Explanations -

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Crow: "So hey Feather it's greatt to see you."

Feather: "I feel that was sarcasm..."

Slender: "Girls please... Now how do we train you girls?"
Crow: "No! I'm not training without meeting the other two mystery guys."

Slender: "Why not before we get you into the training room then you four will pick out your bedrooms?"

Feather: 'What about money and all-"

Slender: "You four will be doing many many chores on top of training. Everything else is fine since everyone steals the money from bad guys and all. Bills we pay from the well. It's a mysterious process which you shouldn't worry about. Not to mention later on I have a little job for you far when we all separate."

Feather: "Separate?"

Crow: "But that's later of course. Don't get your pants up in a bunch."

Feather: "Oh... Okay..."

Crow: "Aw come on, don't look down! Just make the most out of our days right?"

Feather: "R-right."
Slender: "Everything's in the past so you shouldn't need to worry much at all."

Crow: "Slendy is right! Now lets go see that training room and mystery boys!"

*They all follow Slender down a long hallway into a large room where there are weights and punching bags, through another double door into another hall and into another room with a few seats and a very large window screen to show out a huge huge auditorium and battle field under. The thing is, the auditorium had a large thick glass shield defending itself from the battle field which is-*

 The thing is, the auditorium had a large thick glass shield defending itself from the battle field which is-*

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Slender: "Which is supposed to deflect any kind of powers and weapons from hitting the audience in the chairs

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Slender: "Which is supposed to deflect any kind of powers and weapons from hitting the audience in the chairs.

Crow: "So it sorta basically looks like a football field right?"

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