My Story Part 20 - It's Fine

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 Sally: "Slendy?"
Slender: "It's fine, I'll have a talk with her then."

*Right on the battlefield Astor leaves the field having Feather gaze around her.*

Feather: ^I feel dizzy. What's going on? Why do I smell, blood? It sorta smells nice.^

*She goes and faints at the spot she is. Out comes a worker to carry her out and back to the others.*

Raven: "Well damn..."

Claw: "Grr..."

*In a nurse kind of office with Feather resting in bed looking up the ceiling.*

Slender: "Hey, how are you feeling?"

*Feather tries to sit up but she can't move a muscle.*

Feather: "I feel paralyzed, is that normal?"

Slender: "It might be."

Feather: "What in the world happened to me?"

Slender: "Well, with your battle with Astor, you lost control really."

Feather: "I lost control? I felt like it was someone else."

Slender: "Someone else? A split personality or just..."

Feather: "I don't know... It felt like I was a different person, but I also felt like I was still the same but really angry... It's too confusing."

Slender: "Well no worry about that, just get some rest okay?"

Feather: "What about the audience, what about Astor, and the others? Is Sally scared of me now? Are you going to train, this side of me?"

Slender: "Well, slow down girl. The audience is already in the middle of leaving and finishing up their bets. Astor is perfectly fine, he's in another infirmary recovering himself. The others are in the living room figuring things out. Sally isn't scared of you, she said you her big sister. Claw, on the other hand is a little competitive right now, a bit moody too. Don't get on his bad right now okay?"

Feather: "Okay..."

Slender: "On the other hand, training your well, uncontrollable side might be a bit hard, but I do have an idea or two. It might have to have you really insane... If you're able to handle it."
Feather: "I'll see what I can do then."

Slender: 'Alright, just lay down and rest okay? I'll be going to check on the others."

*Slender leave and into the living room, where everyone else is sitting down.*

Raven: "Hey Slendy."

Crow: "Sup, how is she?"

Sally: "Yeah! Like she's just started and stuff.... Claw is being emo."

Anyways, so I got reality to do and I have no time to write their full entire backstory so whoopsie.

So basically things happened they got to train each other blah blah blah

Slender: "Let the battle begin."

*The crowd cheers and cheers.*

Raven: "Right..."

Crow: "These ass holes want a show... they'll get a show then."

*Crow and Raven charge at each other and give each other a punch but they both missed.*

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