My Story Part 13 - Raven's Turn

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Crow: "Same difference."

Claw: "Oh hey look, it's your turn now."

Raven: "Alright then. I wonder who it'll be."

Feather: "Is it just me or the opponents are getting stronger than the others? Slither was the lower one..."

Crow: "You're thinking too deep into this, relax girl."

Claw: "It won't be too bad."

Raven: "Yeah! Now come on and trust us. We're all here for you right?"
Feather: "R-right."

Raven: "Be more confident in that!"

Feather: "Right!"
Raven: "That's it!"

*He pats her head and walks out the door.*

Raven: "Remember to smile. Bye bye!~"
Crow: 'Ugh, whatever. I'm gonna lay down by the window."
Claw: "Heh heh...."

*Raven walks out and onto the field. Facing up into the glass dome and smirking at a dark fairy like woman.*

Kristina: ^Does he sense I'm his opponent?^

*Raven then point out at her and Kristina is very surprised.*

Astor: "He's a smart one."

Kristina: "Hpmh, let me out you fatties."

Derryl: "That's offensive."

Kristina: "Oh wouldn't you know?"

Slither: "What does that mean?"

Astor: "Not sure."

[Opponent picked, Kristina Rasima. Dark fairy like appearance and skill. Dark black fairy wings, pitch black eyes. Magic attacks, color of either black or purple mix. Other skills unknown.]

Kirstina: ^Grr, I'll show that little brat what to point at

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Kirstina: ^Grr, I'll show that little brat what to point at.^

[Please come down from the audience and onto the battlefield to meet your opponent Raven Animal.]

Raven: "So it's Animal? That's real interesting. Kristina Rasima, a dark fairy and uses dark magic. Simple enough I guess."

Kristina: "You're real cocky for a young brat like you."

[Battle will start very soon.]

Raven: "Cocky? I wouldn't say so myself. Maybe you are perhaps?"

Kristina: "You're really getting on my last nerves."

Raven: "Your nerves? What did I do?"


Kristina: "You have went and pathetically point at me. Did you know it's rude to point?"


Raven: "Was that it?"

Kristina: "Just be quiet already!"
*Kristina went and used her dark magic powers to attack Raven, swiftly he up and jumped to dodge it.*

Kristina: "You're just a little brat. You won't be able to beat- W-what?"

*Raven went and teleported himself behind her and kicked Kristina across the field close to the borderline, but she went and stopped herself with her fairy like wings.*

Kristina: "How dare you!"
*More attacks of her power aim to Raven, every hit he would dodge, jump, and swerve to avoid them.*

Kristina: "You're so damn annoying! I'm ending this!"
*While up in the air her magic creates a long sword that fits right into her hand. She flies down to slice him in half but obviously through her rage she wasn't thinking straight Raven dodges by jumping up beside her creating a weapon himself.*

Kristina: "What, no

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Kristina: "What, no. You're not allowed to use that!"

*He has created a double scythe weapon and has started to attack Kristina but she quickly shields herself with the sword. A few sparks fly from the force and power.*

Kristina: "You brat, creating a weapon like that

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Kristina: "You brat, creating a weapon like that."

Raven: "That rhymed."

Kristina: "I'm not losing to you a little boy like you."

*She forces her sword to slide one part of the scythe away.*

Raven: "Did you forget there's another side to it."

Kristina: "Grr."

*The sword glows having a dark glow to it.Before anything Raven kicks her away making her tumble on the ground and onto her knees. She slowly stands up creating daggers beyond daggers around her circling with a powerful glow. Raven, with a stance ready. Kristina laughs maniacally with her hand out pointing at her opponent with painted black nails. Causing all the daggers head straight at Raven with full force nowhere to go or hide.*

Raven: "Oh really!"

*He swirls the double scythe causing the daggers to bounce of, after all of them are gone, he stops a bit until they float back up and slices his legs and arms a bit. Until he went and bounced from his weapon flinging him towards Kristina.*

Kristina: "W-what the hell are you-"

*Right when she was about to create more daggers, Raven went up and punched her and made Kristina fly towards the wall and off of the battlefield.*

Slither: "Ha, she underestimated him."

Darryl: "Not to mention her sass and anger."

Astor: "It's very interesting."

[Winner is Raven Animal.]

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