Her Story (CROW)

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Hey, this is sorta awkward

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Hey, this is sorta awkward... That's not me... Well I mean it is... But that was when I was about twelve years old really. A bit too boyish and um a little too immature I've got to say honestly and openly. I was in the sunflower field where Feather created with her magic when we were in Slendy's garden. It was one of our chores to use our magic to create something beautiful and good. I came out with a cake to congratulate her for her achievement... But Raven was in the way sooo... I sorta slapped the cake in his face... It was the best thing ever... eheh...

Well it's my spotlight so... I'll tell you my problem from the start to now....

So as if you already know, Feather was the one who was kept in a laboratory the machine was turned on and things zapped and all the epic dramatic stuff happened. UNTIL, it didn't exactly turn out well, there were three other compartments which were empty at the start. When Feather was created she killed the scientist guy or whatever and in the other chambers, Raven, Claw, and I were created magically. 

I don't know exactly how or why but we were just created. It was all so blurry to me at the start but this tall guy came and picked me up through the woods and at a mansion. He has told me about everything what I was there to do and I waited. I obviously didn't know the other two guys yet until later on in the future. But anyways, after Feather killed her adopted parents I found her after and took her to Slender which he told all.

After that day we trained, every other day was full of everyday teen stuff. Talk talk and fun, sure there were a few days here or there that were pretty bad. But what could you do. Feather had an emotional heart so she cried dramatically at sad stuff... Um... We had fun days I told you already... What else? After that day from the start we got to meet the other two.

Obviously they were Claw and Raven. Pretty cool dudes at first. Loved their hair, they were also derpy when they were younger. Raven was about like an hour older than me if even possible? The Claw was two hours older than Raven so... Oh and don't forget Claw was like the shortest out of all of us when he was twelve. But compared to now... He's towering over us... A bit scary really... Not sure how tall he is though... Didn't get to measure.

ANYWAYS, we all had fun times family time celebrated holidays with Slendy. The problem would be when we would separate. Slendy told us around spring time I think late March he told us that we won't be with him for long. The reason would be we would go to school later on in August... School sucks... But what can you do? After that announcement we worked harder with training, and our darn chores...

In April we went out into the streets. Raven had the idea of keeping each other to remember by. Claw suggested to have key chains, but obviously I thought it was a stupid idea. Until oh sweet Feather suggested something special. But first we kept our promise, "We will all be together through blood and veins, through dark and bright times, through all that is good and bad. We will be together through and through. Until we will depart and visit through the gates of death."

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