My Story Part 4 - Revenge -

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"You don't have choice but to stay!"

"I could kill you right now!"

"But I'd rather die then not know I created you monster!"


"Yeah that's right, you're a fucking, monster! Nobody's ever going to love you now. This plan was all for fun didn't you know that. Your family's dead aren't they? They didn't pay for me. So they wined up dead like your pathetic brother."

I didn't know what to do. I was blanking out. I stared at the ground and to my bony hands. It all became fuzzy, all of it. The pain was stinging from my back, eyes, hands, and everywhere. I could faint from this headache, but I didn't. I couldn't, until he's suffered a slow and painful death.

There were stings until it ripped through my muscle and flesh. Long pitch black wires came out from my back long, skinny, and flexible. It was just like Father... Slender man... He told me to kill, so I will. For his sake and will. My eyes were burning, my nails were sharp. It dug deep into my skin, burning. Both my new ears and discovered tail were twitching frantically. I felt power seeping into my veins and down into my palms. There was so much I needed to discover from my new self.

The long wires stabbed him from the leg and slowly ripping the flesh out, causing blood to splatter all over the ground. It kept on going and going it was all such a blur now. All I could remember now is walking out of there hearing his screams while the place fell down from the new profound fire I have caused.

My nose sniffed down where we had just left about an hour or so ago. It smelled so much. New scents everywhere, and so delicate to. I finally walked up to the front porch, discovering the TV was shut off and the two loud victims are now awake. I took a time to hesitate and still from my daze state, I craved for more blood and terror. I banged on the door loudly.

"Who the fuck is it!? Is she fucking back yet?!"

"Cool it bitch, I wondered if she was going to be dead soon. Fuck it, go away!"

I giggled.

"What the fuck? I swear I'll kill ya!"

I banged the door loudly this time. Having my wires scrape on the wood and glass of the building. I soon broke the door down having my wires pull me up, floating in midair. My shadow still lingering behind.



I gathered up my wires and fell to the floor as I ran up to get a knife. As soon I got to the kitchen the woman tackled me to the ground. I didn't want to use my powers, I want to actually have a full on fight, plus if I did so I'd loose blood since I'm not used to it yet.

"Fuck you we let you in our life and you, you fucking bitch!"

"Me? such a bitch? HA, you're the one who fucking does whatever he says!"
The man went to get an axe.

"Hold her fucking still would you? I'll cut off her damn head!"
I wrestled her off of me and stabbed her in the stomach.

"Oh god! Fuck! I'm fucking bleeding!"
"You bitch! I told you to hold her still!"

"You tortured me! Why the fuck you do it?"

"Because it was fun! For the hell of it! You're nothing, you're useless! No one would miss your fucking sorry ass!"

"*Cough cough* Argh! Fuck, save me ass hole!"
"You'll die anyway, what's the point?"

"Fuck you!"

I charged to him but he guarded himself and kicked me in the stomach and slapped me to the ground.

"You're still weak, why try?

I touched my cheek and felt my eyes glowing brighter than before.

"Oh you got powers, I've seen... You're a monster!"

I charged at him again.

"You don't like being called that bitch?"

We wrestled again and he grabbed my collar and slammed me against a door every time he said monster.

"You're a fucking monster! Monster! Monster! Monster! No body loves you when you're like this!"

"*Cough gag cough* Is that why no body loves you either?"

"Fuck you."

He slammed my face against the window twice causing it to shatter. Leaving large shards still there at the bottom. He forced my neck onto them but I quickly gripped my hands onto the rim of the window pushing back.

"You're parents are weak just like you are now aren't they?"

"Go fuck yourself."

I went and turned my whole self around and gripped onto his shirt and punched him in the gut and forcing his own face down onto the shard. It gushed out blood splattered everywhere and having his eyes role back to his head.

"I'm not weak anymore..."

"*Cough* Argh! No body loves you. Not like a monster like you. You were created for killing didn't you know?"

"You can't make a path for my life, I do..."

"Oh no, your instincts will catch on just you wait..."

I sliced her neck open and used that blood to write on the white walls.

I wrote -

You're safe, for now.

I didn't know why I did it... It just felt right, sure maybe they were okay people once, but they changed. Just like I have.

I walked to the bathroom and washed my face off and into my room to find a change of clothes if possible, just something clean for now.

I went and left the house leaving no trace behind.

I walked into the lone sidewalks, not knowing where to go from here.

I saw a girl though.

She wore a red long sleeved shirt and jeans with some black boots, she had rough short medium hair. The most noticing thing was that she had long bunny ears, one up and one curved down and a plush tail.

"Hey... Did you finish them?"


"Don't talk huh. I was sent from Slender. Remember him? I was gonna go and take you there."

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