My Story Part 5 - Nice To Meet You Feather -

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"Yeah Slender, I call him Slendy. But obviously he gets pissed off of that so..."

"Slender man?"

"Heh, are you done with the questions yet?"

"...Not Exactly..."

"Well go on, I won't bite..."

"I... Why am like this?"

"Oh, that... Slender will tell you that... Now will you come with me?"

She held up her hand for me to take it. I was of course hesitant at first, but who do I have now? So I grasped it and she dragged me along through the bushes and trees, through the endless darkness.

"Have you used your powers?"

"...I'd rather not talk about it..."

"Oh you will be forced to."

"I-I, I used it to kill them all."

"I felt like I was at my limit so I stopped and fought them head on. Through weeks of suffering I had enough. Yeah I know others have it worse, but I... What would everyone else do? Let them roam free?"
"That obviously wasn't the case... You're a true monster created for murder."

"I'm not a monster..."

"Then what are you? What did you to them then? Deny it all you want, but everyone WILL tell you... It's the truth of the real world. You're still too young to know."

"How old are you then?"

"I'm just about a year older than you."

"So you're... eleven?"
"Heh, no twelve... Did you forget your birthday already? It was a few weeks ago wasn't it?"
"H-how did you know? That was when..."

"That was when you're family was murdered in front of you. Call it fate or whatever... But I'm just another part of you."

"Another part, of me?"

"Slender man will explain all, we're almost there."

"It's, this far?"
"Yeah, I mean, a monster like him would need to avoid everyone at all costs don't they?"

"What about, us?"
"The same... Unless you don't want to since we're looking like humans from the outside, besides the animal features."

"What's, your name?"
"Call me Crow."

*We finally arrived to a huge white mansion in the depths of the woods. There was Slender at the door waiting for us.*

Slender: "Ladies, you're back..."

Crow: "Yes Slendy we are, unless your empty eye sockets haven't seen it yet."

Slender: "Crow just let her come in..."

Crow: "I would if you aren't in the dang way."

Slender: "Come into the living room. Everyone else vanished."

Crow: "What's so wrong? The new girl isn't that quite bad..."

*Well all went into the living room I sat down on the couch with Crow next to me. Slender was in the single couch in front of us with the coffee table in between.*

Slender: "It seems like Crow hasn't exactly explained every to you has she?"
"Um no..."

Crow: "Well, I mean you explain better than I do."

Slender: "Obviously children like you should be taught better."

Crow: "I was literally born tonight."


Crow "Yeah tonight, surprised yet?"

Slender: "*Sigh* Let me just take over. Crow you're making it confusing... Alright so as you have already experienced, you've been critically stunned by the machines two hours ago. Which made you into this... You have the powers of incredible things. For example using magic, from the ordinary. Partially change into different animals, for example, wolves, birds, dragons, and monsters."

"I'm labeled as a monster myself haven't I?"
Slender: "Well to others you are. But turning into these monsters is another life in itself. It seems like you'll turn into these creatures if your emotional state is unbalanced from your normal state."

Crow "Like when you went on rampage except it wasn't full enough."

Slender: "In this case, you'll be living with me for about a year until you're twelve which I'll enroll you into middle school. But besides that during this year, I'll be needing to train you to endorse your powers and how to control them. As well as giving back your sanity before it's too late."
"What do you mean too late?"
Crow: "Too late as in grudges and more revenge."

"But haven't I achieved that already?"
Slender: "Yes and no. You have killed the ones you have hated. But that painful memory just in a few weeks and tonight, it has scared you for life. Who knows when it'll happen. It could happen when something triggers it."
Crow: "For example like your treasured items being ripped and destroyed in an instant which then causes a chain reaction and snap like a bullet into your "demon" form if I'd like to call it."

"Then... What about me name? What about Crow? She said she was a part of me. What does she mean by that?"
Slender: "I have a name for you...The time when she said that she's a part of you... Means that she was created tonight as she said before... When you were in the laboratory. There were also two other ones but... They're in hiding."
Crow: 'What?! You didn't tell me that! Where the fuck are they?!"

Slender: "Language Crow... You'll know them soon enough... But today isn't it."

Crow: "How dare you tell that!"

Slender: "Hush now or I'll restrain you."

Crow:: "Fine... You have a LOT of explaining to do Slendy."

Slender: 'I'm EXPLAINING now. Alright, now the other two are hiding from you two since they're not quite fully ready to see you. They might be peeking through the walls."

"The walls?"

Slender: "Yeah, you four have mysterious powers I can't exactly describe. But anyways, them three were made out of the chemicals and substance the scientist was using. But it failed to create your powers. But Crow and the other two guys are at a different level. They weren't birthed out of humans or monsters. But the magic that YOU had... I quickly saved them before you burned the place down that's why they're here."

"I-I created them?"
Crow: "Crazy I know, but I'm not gonna call you my mother obviously."

Slender: "Those two didn't have the chance to have an actual family so you're the one to keep them together."


Crow: "So what's her name Slendy?"
Slender: "I'll call her, Feather."

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