My Story Part 11 - Crow VS Slither Burchuck

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[Opponent picked, Slither Burchuck. Snakelike appearance and skill. Half human, half snake creature. Uses scales for a faraway attack as well as claws for nearby combat. Other skills unknown.]

Crow: "Slither? He sounds like a creep...."

[Please come down from the audience and onto the battlefield. Players, on the field please leave, having only Crow Animal.]

Raven: "Animal? Is that our last name for now on?"

Claw: "Come on, let's go up to the lookout area."

Feather: "Good luck.... If you really feel like it, have fun."

Crow: "Right, and I'll impress you guys. Now leave stupid."

[Rules are, falling out of bounds will make you disqualified. If you get knocked out for 10 or 15 seconds you will be out. There are no limits. If you kill or want to kill the person, you will be supervised and be judged by the audience. If you turn into your powerful and unstoppable form, we won't stop you until you get to the audience, which is highly unlikely from the glass. If you do break the glass, we will send everyone as well from the audience to get you contained and restrained until you turn back. Everything you want to know is fully known already. No more to be said. Please enjoy the show, ladies, gentlemen and unknown creatures.]

*The four run off up to the look out area where they could sit on the chairs but they chose to sit by the window and watch. Crow stands one half of the field, while Slither slides through the crowd he stands on the other half. His top half is a human and the bottom is a snake like appearance. A very long slick tail, with sharp claws for hands.*

[Battle will begin soon. Please, introduce each other.]

Slither: "Ssso you must be Crow Animal. Niccce to meet you."

Crow: "Same here."

Slither: "Ssslender, the one who took you in mussst be very generousss. Did you know, he's not always like thisss. But you will know sssoon enough."

Crow: "Thanksss for telling me."

Slither: "And you go on mocking me? You're ssstill so young. Hasss Slender punished you yet?"

Crow: "Not exactly.... How are you friends with Slendy."

Slither: "Slendy? Is that what you kidsss call him nowadays? Well we meet awhile back. He was still in the dark timesss."

[Battle will begin now.]

Crow: "Looks like our time is up."

[On countdown.]

Slither: "It will be amusing to fight you."


Crow: "Same with me. I'll definitely have fun."


Slither: "I wonder if I should go all out on you or not."


Crow: "I recommend you do. I mean, I wouldn't learn if you didn't right?

Slither: "Touche."


*Crow charges at Slither with her magic developing a long knife to slash at his face but his tail deflects at it. She pulls back and hits again and again with such speed and force you can barely see the moves. His tail consistently defends himself.*

Slither: "Not such a bad start. I see you're a pusher, I wonder how you'll turn out when you grow up."

*He slaps Crow away with his tail making her tumble over on the floor. While getting back up, his tail extends and starts slapping itself on the floor to attack Crow. Just like a flyswatter and a bug.*

Slither: "I know you can do better than that."

Crow: "Oh just watch me!"

*She makes another weapon, this time more of a double sword covered in some kind of powder thing. She runs back up to Slither dodging all his attacks and right when he's about to block himself she slices through his tail. Not all the way through just leaving a very deep cut, while doing so he slaps Crow away but she dodges that attack and stands on her feet. The crowd is in awe and oohs.*

Slither: "So you cut me. How did you know?"

Crow: "Maybe a hunch or something like that."

Slither: "That my weakness is salt?"

Crow: "I mean, I guess."

Slither: "Huh, well this is getting boring. I'm gonna turn into my true form if you don't mind me doing so."

Crow: "What? Oh yeah, totally. You do that."

Slither: "What about you?"

Crow: "I'll turn into an animal at one point. Half human and half snakes like you have both similar and in similar things about each other right? Like strengths and weaknesses."

Slither: "Well of courssse. Now, if you don't mind...."

*Slither goes and turns himself into a full bodied snake.*

Slither: "Now that feels so much better."

[Seems like Slither has turned into his true form.]


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