Sally 1

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Feather: "There's too many smells I can't distinct Sally..."

Crow: "God just try! That ass hole killed my sense of smell with that rag."

*The guy grabbed Sally and punched her abdomen and threw her into the wall.*

^*Huff puff* Where is she?!^

Sally: *Screams*


Crow: "Over here!"

*They run over to the the alleyway.*

Guy: "You're such a cute little doll."

Crow: "Sally!!"

*Feather's eyes turned red.*

Sally: "F-Fea?...*Coughs*"

Guy1: "Oh my what do we have- *GAGH*"

*Crow went and punched him in the stomach making him fly over to a bunch of wooden crates.*

Feather: "Go get Sally and leave... I can handle this myself..."

Crow: "Right!" *She goes and picks up Sally bridal style and runs off on street lamps onto the roofs and towards the nearby hospital while calling Slender and the others.*

Guy2: "Oh really? Banging up those crates worked perfectly for me." *He raises up his hand and the wooden pieces float up and over.*

Guy3: "You gonna run away pretty girl?"

Feather: "..."

Guy1: "Kill her! We have no *cough* time to deal with this bullshit!"

Guy2: "Yeah yeah."

*The wooden pieces fly at Feather at a very fast pace. Until it was blocked with a bunch of some kind of black tentacle like thing that came out of her back. It deflected all of them in just a fast speed you couldn't even see.*

Guy2: "What the- *Gag, cough*"

*One of the tentacles stabbed through his stomach having him choke on his own blood. Feather then controlled the other ones to attack the others and threw the guy2 down and splatter on the wall.*

Guy3: "Shit... Here comes some fireworks!"

*He went and shot a few fireballs and sparks from his palms. In return the tentacles shielded Feather in a ball and slowly unravels to show her glowing eyes. The tentacles crushed into the rocks and lifted her up and they then sliced off their heads.*

Feather: "You're so... weak..."

Guy1: "Haha no no... I'll give you anything! Money, guys, men, anything you'd like! Please have mercy on me!"

Feather: "..."

Guy1: *Smirks and used his power to fly up sand and to make into a tornado making her lose her prey. During that he went up and climbed up one of the tentacles having a knife out ready to slice her neck.*

Guy1: "Hahaha! I could get a fortune by killing you!... DIE!"

Feather: "Is money all you want? You're a sad man.... I'm sorry for you...."

*Right when the sand clears Guy1 was right in front of Feather but her hand went right through his chest. When she ripped her hand out her nails were as long and sharp as claws. She let the guy fall onto the asphalt. The tentacles slowly went back into her making her go back to normal as well as a color of her eyes.*

Feather: "I'm sorry... But you made me do this..."

*Feather's hair covered her face until she went and ran away. Running in an unknown direction.*

^I'm not thinking straight... What's happening?^

*Her phone rang*

Feather: "H-hello?"


Feather: "Omg is that you Crow? I'm getting there as fast as I can. How's Sally? What did the doctor say? Please let her be okay!"

"He said she's perfectly fine. She'll be okay, everyone is glad and relaxed now. Just cuts and bruises that's all. Nothing to worry about, nothing at all."

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