My Story Part - New Greenhouse

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Feather: "O-okay... This can't be too hard right? I'm only creating a sunflower field right? Not too bad..."

Claw: "Except you're creating life."

Raven: "And out of this shitty place? I highly doubt you can do it."

Claw: "Language damn you!"

Raven: "You cursed yourself!"

*Both Claw and Raven tug on each other's hairs while Sally goes over and sits next to Fea.*

Sally: "You can do it sis. I know you can, it'll change this old shabby place! It looks like a creepy cellar where Slendy used to kill his victims."

Crow: "But he's an old man. He's balding."

Sally: "He told me he was born that way."

Crow: "Heh... I'm gonna go make cake for yall."

Claw: "But isn't this like a greenhouse?"

Raven: "You have no right to talk!"

Sally: "I guess but... He doesn't use it that often that's why he entrusted you to make a sunflower patch right?"

Feather: "I suppose so..."

Sally: "Okay I'll wait over here and let you work."

*She stands and walks over a bit farther away. Letting Feather concentrated on her emotions into the magic at her fingertips. Something starts to glow when a slight breeze flows through the broken glass panes. Even causing Raven and Claw pause for a moment. Feather placed the palms of her hands on the dirty ground and closed her eyes and did her best to flow the magic down into the soil. Little sprouts come from the ground starting from grass strands and blades. To small patches of clovers, and dandelions. Feather used up the power into her hands and stood up struggling to push up her arms and create more and more of something bigger. Glass shattered and destroyed but in the middle of it all she didn't open her eyes until the end. She struggled but when she got up she kept pushing her arms up and up. Like doing push ups but not really you know? Anyways, she kept doing it until she felt it was okay and finally perfected. Feather let go of her hands which dropped to her sides like jelly and she opened her eyes. Stand before her was a mass of tangled up vines on the structure of the place. Sunflowers grow here and there, not only that but various of different vibrant exotic mystery flowers, roses and lilies all different shades of colors from a blue moon to a tropical hot pink. Not to mention random fruits here or there. The vines of grapes tangle up in branches bunches of them everywhere, not to mention apple, raspberry trees and different bushes. Even different kinds of plants from aloe Vera to cacti and carnivorous plants, for example pitcher plants and Venus fly traps. There's even a small pond full of special wildlife. Everything a freaky garden lover would love in their fantasy. The thing that made I glow was a split area from the sun shining down, butterflies and insects all around. Not to mention finally birds coming in to roam. The best part was a huge magical and majestic weeping willow in the middle of this catastrophe. It was just ginormous having the branches flow and move from the cooling wind.*

Claw: "U-unbelievable..."

Raven: "I-is this what she could do?"


*Sally went up and ran behind Feather and jumped on her clutching on her neck for a dangle.*

Sally: "I told you that I believed in you."

Feather: "I know."

*They gave eachother a closed eyed smile.*

Claw: "Heh, I knew she could do it."

Raven: "No you god damn well didn't!"

Claw: "Well you doubted her!"

*They went back to pulling their hairs. While Crow comes back out.*

Crow: "Hey I'm back! My gawd this looks-"

*In the middle of the sentence Claw and Raven accidentally pushed themselves towards Crow making her slip the plate out of her hands and onto the patch of grass covering it in sliced strawberries and frosting. Actually little critters like squirrels, birds, and a raccoon went over to take a bite out of it.*

Crow: "W-wha-"

Claw: "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry it was an accident I swear!"

Raven: "Heh, whoops..."

Crow: "Whoops?! What the hell!! I made the fucking cake especially for Fea and you two over here ruining it! Geez!"

*Sally and Feather sweatdrops.*

Feather: "Crow, it's okay there's-"

Sally: "There's fruit all around us we can use that!"

Feather: "We can make smoothies to, I'd like a smoothie... Actually I really want avocado smoothies... is that okay?"

Crow: *Sigh* "Sure, why not?"

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