My Story Part 2 - What Happened Next -

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They seemed okay. The odd couple introduced me to them. They gave me cake, got me a nice room, gave me presents. But what was that in the corner of my eye? A large bottle? But my new 'dad' was in the way. It smelled like smoke and cigarettes. With a hint of bitter alcohol.

They sent me to bed. When I was sort of sleeping I heard glass shatter. I heard yelling, and more yelling. It gave me a shock from the night before. Until finally the morning came. They woke me up with more hollering from the night. I went down stairs and saw the eggs on the floor, pans everywhere. The guy was standing there with a knife. The woman stood there holding a wooden stick. They both turned to me and the guy pulled on to my hair while the girl beat me up. I had bruises all over my body. Every time I moved it just hurt, it felt absolute hell. The man threatened me if I didn't do what they asked of me I'd be killed and get more of a beating. The moment while he was tightly grabbing my hair it felt like it was going to tear right off my scalp. The knife he was holding quickly slashed through my hair slowly and ripped pieces off which made my appearance disgusting. It was just so uneven and it was all so painful, I couldn't bare it. But it kept on going and going.

I gasped for air and tried to crawl away. I started tearing up but held it back. They shoved me into a nearby closet. I was closed off from the world. The guy stabbed the wooden door with the knife. The girl threw empty glass bottles. I covered up my ears and closed my teary eyes. It felt like hours until they stopped. They made me clean up the mess. If I did something wrong they would punch me with a whip. And the worst of all, they'd slap my face. The man sometimes throw me from counter to counter bashing my head against the cold marble surface and sometimes onto the bare wall. I wanted to leave. But I couldn't. Everyday it was like this, I would always be locked up in a closet, get a beating if I don't do anything correctly or anything they wanted it was more anger and rage from them. I was their personal punching bag for the rest of our days.

This happened for hours, days, weeks maybe... But it lasted for about 2 and a half months. I had enough, I finally was able to be sneaky and ran into the nearby woods. The father was snoozing on the couch as the TV played on. The mother was passed out in her own bedroom smoking and getting high it seemed like she was unconscious for a while until she wakes up.

I breathed and breathed. Everything around me was dark, and long branches swaying side to side from the wind. It was freezing out. I stopped, looked up to see a tall man with no face. He gave me his pale hand and told me he was slenderman. He was dressed in a black suit and a midnight office tie. I could hear static in the back of my ears but, it was overheard by the terrifying aura he had around his whole entire appearance.

He told me to kill them.

I felt that instinct to kill. And slowly walked back to the house. They woke up from their slumber as I slammed the backdoor open. They said that a man came here to take me in for some 'tests.' I had to do what they told me. A large rusty green truck parked in front of the house. An old creepy guy walked in the front door. He had a smirk on and dragged me away into his car. I didn't struggle. I wished I did. But couldn't. I had no energy but to kill. But now's not the time. I was still getting ready to.

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