My Story Part 14 - Funny Fairy Girl -

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Raven: "Yeah, I did it."

*Raven runs off to the others while Kristina is struggling to get up.*

Kristina: "Unbelievable!"

*Kristina flies back over to her seat.*

*With Raven.*

Raven: "Hey Fea Fea did you see that? Did you? I won because I wanted to show you I'm strong to!"
Crow: "Show off, and trying to hard."

Raven: "Am not!"
Feather: "It's your turn."
Claw: "Yeah, I know."

Crow: "Bwah I know!"

Claw: "Well I do and I'm gonna prove I'm stronger than you guys and Feather combined!"

Raven: "Impossible!~"

Claw: "I'm leaving, bye."

Feather: "Good luck?"

Claw: "I don't I'll need it."

Raven: "Now who's the show off."
*Back in the seats.*

Kristina: "Grr..."

Slither: "So, how was your fall?"
Kristina: "Shut the fuck up you."
Darryl: "Ha, funny fairy girl."

Kristina: "You to fatass."

Astor: "Kristina?"

Kristina: "Yes?"

Astor: "You need more work on your emotions. Not mention flipping out on a boy like that easily, did you see something in him."

Slither: "Something? And what would that ever be?"

Kristina: "Fine, in all honesty I did. I didn't want him to go full force and use his massive powers so I got angry and wanted to defeat him. Did you see him make the double scythe?"

Astor: "You do know they're all getting stronger by the fight."

Derryl: "Saying that I'm fighting the top?"

Slither: "Might be so, but Astor is overpowered himself."

Derryl: "Who is fighting him again?"

Kristina: "The conserved one. She might lose her shit, and turn into a monster or something like that."

Astor: "Who knows. Derryl you should be going."

Derryl: "Yeah yeah."

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