Chapter 48: Thousand Sunny

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"He said the King of the Pirates should ride the King of the Beasts." With a flourish, Iceberg removed the covering on your new ship. Your whole crew gasped as she came into view.

A huge ship, much larger than Merry, with a lion figurehead. She was beautiful. With a happy chuff, you bounded forward, flying up the ramp with Luffy laughing on your back. Your paws touched soft grass and you purred, kneading your claws against the deck of the ship.

Luffy jumped down and for a minute the two of you just kinda rolled around the deck, getting grass stains and wrestling each other to the ground.

The rest of your crew followed more slowly, looking around and avoiding the wrangling mass of fur and rubber and rolled around the middle of the floor.

After a while, when you'd all explored the ship and had gathered back together on deck, Luffy had asked Iceberg where Franky was. "He's gunna be our shipwright, isn't he?"

Oh boy. You shook your head and headed down towards the kitchen. Once Luffy decided that someone belonged on his crew, nothing would make him change his mind. So you might as well eat.

You winced as Franky hit the ground, tears of pain in his eyes. "Was that really necessary, Robin?"


"Poor Franky."

You stepped away from the railing of the new ship, unable to watch anymore. You looked around, wondering for a second if Usopp wanted to play. Your ears flattened on your head when you remembered that Usopp wasn't around anymore.

"You okay?" Luffy walked over to you and gently ran a hand over your ears. "Your ears are doing that thing. What's wrong?"

"I just miss Usopp."

Luffy pulled you close and kissed the top of your head. "I know baby. I do too."

There was a commotion and Luffy wandered back over to the railing, leaving you to wander around and wait. Part of you just wanted to leave this place, where Merry and Usopp left your crew. But another part couldn't stand to leave them behind.

Eventually, you ended up by Zolo's side. The tough man didn't say anything, just acknowledged your presence with a nod.

"Do you think Usopp will come home?"

Zolo shrugged and said, "Maybe. Up to him really."

You whined and scuffed the ground with your shoe. "I kinda want to just go and drag him back here."

Zolo put a large hand on your head and ruffled your hair. "It'll be alright." You leaned against him and he let you. Together you watched the train wreck that was Luffy's way of getting a new crewmate.

Your new shipwright struck a pose and shouted something about how super he was. Shaking your head, you wondered how it was only these types that Luffy seemed to attract.

Turning, you opened your mouth to ask something and the breeze wafted over the scent glands on the roof of your mouth. 'Garp...?' You turned and saw a Marine ship heading towards Water Seven.

"Oh no." Spinning on your heel, you ran and bumped against Luffy, pointing towards the ship, your tail fluffed out.

Luffy looked and said, "Izzat Grandpa?" He didn't seem too troubled, but you figured that if Garp was back then he'd have to act like a Marine this time and at least try to catch the wanted pirates.

You started barking orders and the crew, hearing the tone of your voice, moved faster, casting off from shore and setting out to sea. Luffy gave you a surprised look, muttering, "But that's my job, (Y/N)."

You climbed partway up the mast and watched your crew work, ears flat. Glancing towards Water Seven, you saw Galley-La and Franky's crew waving bye on shore. And a small form running full-pelt down to the dock, waving his arms like crazy. You whined, almost ready to jump in the water and swim back to shore to get your crewmate home.

But before you'd left shore, you'd all agreed that Usopp couldn't come back unless he apologized. Luffy had taken your face in his hands and said, "No matter what, don't you go get him, okay?"

And so, pretending that your sensitive ears couldn't already hear Usopp shouting, you went back down the mast and helped get the ship moving.

Suddenly, a massive impact send sea water flying up in a geyser. "Are they shooting at us?" Sanji shouted.

You shook your head. "No. That's just Granddad's throwing arm."

While the rest of you worked to move faster, Nami stood in place, brow furrowed. She leaned over the railing and said, "Luffy, I think Usopp is trying to get your attention."

"I don't hear anything." Luffy kept his back stubbornly turned, refusing to even look in the direction of the shore. All of you could hear him now, but all of you ignored his cries.

He stopped for a second and you started to turn when, "I'M SORRY!!!!"

Luffy turned around so fast his hat fell off his head. His body hit the railing and his arm reached out to Usopp, grabbing his crewmate's hand and pulling him onto the boat.

The two men crashed into each other and hit the floor, laughing. You jumped onto them, hugging them both, all of you happy and crying and so relieved.

"That's all you had to say," Luffy said. "That was all you ever had to say."

Another crash and a fountain of water reminded you that your grandpa was still technically trying to arrest you. You got up to help, yelling, "What do we have to do to get her out of here?"

"I got something!" Franky started to head off when Luffy got up.

"What's her name?" He shouted. "She has to have a name!" A few ideas were shouted around, but Franky spoke over the noise.

"Iceberg named her Thousand Sunny! But I thought a better name was-"

You didn't hear the rest of his sentence as your crew roared the Thousand Sunny's name.

You cast a glance back at the Marine ship, waving and wondering if Coby could see you. Then the deck bucked, and suddenly the Thousand Sunny was flying away, leaving Water Seven behind.

You wondered where you'd end up next.

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