Chapter 15: Upper Yard?

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There was a knock on the door and Luffy's head jerked up at the sound. He looked confused for a second, like he didn't know what could produce such a noise, but then he figured it out and staggered out of bed toward the door.

"Oh, um... Luffy, sweetie."


"Put on some pants before you open the door."

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

He pulled on his boxers and opened the door. Sanji squeaked, apparently not expecting his captain to open the door nearly naked. "Watcha need, Sanji?" Luffy said, leaning against the door frame.

While Sanji explained about Nami doing something and going somewhere forbidden on accident, or something like that, you got up and started to dress. You pulled on your pants and looked around for your shirt when your gaze landed on Luffy's vest. Giggling, you pulled in on and buttoned it up. It fit well enough, a little tight in the chest area but no buttons were in danger of popping. You stood next to Luffy, grinning like the idiot you probably were. Sanji blushed furiously, his one visible eye going rather obviously to your chest.

"Hi, (Y/N)-chwan!" You raised your hand, giving a 'Yo,' in response.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?" Luffy asked, head tipped in confusion.

"Why aren't you wearing your clothes?"

Luffy, unable to think very fast, was completely unprepared for such a response and just stared at you for a second. "So! Sanji!" He finally said, turning back to the blond. "What's this about some place we're not allowed to go?"

"You're going aren't you?"


Sanji sighed, moving out of the way as Luffy brushed past him and ran down the hall. Purring, you followed, occasionally having to swat Sanji away.

On Angel Beach again, you were all stopped by a group of men who were apparently called the White Berets. They said you guys were trespassers. Maybe not paying at the toll booth wasn't a wise idea.

Oh well, Cest la vie.

After a rather unfortunate series of events, everyone but you, Luffy, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp, were trapped on the Going Merry, said ship being led by this huge lobster straight toward the Upper Yard. Which, apparently, no one was supposed to go to.

Whale then.

Anyway, Conis said she had a ship we could use to get to Upper Yard, and you five, not including Conis, were heading through town. Everyone seemed to avoid you, and every breath you took was tainted with the sour stench of fear.

Especially from Conis herself. And she looked like she was shaking.

"Well," she said. "Here it is."

"It's pretty!" Luffy said, looking at a rather impressive ship made for going up cloud rivers.

"Er, yes that one is. But that one is mine." Conis motioned to a ship behind the other, a much smaller craft that left much to be desired.

"But I like that one..." Luffy whined and Sanji clocked him over the head, scolding him for being rude to Conis.

You growled and slipped in between Luffy and Sanji. "Sanji-kun?"

"Yes, (Y/N)-chwaaan!"

"If you ever strike him again I'll bite off one of those precious hands of yours."

Sanji squeaked, holding his hands close to his chest.

"Oi. Conis. What's wrong? You've been shaking since we left the house..." Luffy tipped his head, studying the girl. She shifted nervously, unwilling to meet his gaze. "Are you scared? What is it?"

"Don't you think it's strange...?" She whispered. "Here I am, taking you straight through town, giving you a boat, sending you straight to the Upper Yard, like I'm sending you to your deaths..."

You stiffened, mouth barely parted to taste the air. It was thicker now, fear rolling off the whole town in waves.

"Conis don't!" Someone shouted.

"Stop that girl!" Cried another.

"I'm sorry!" Conis burst out. "Please, run! When an outlaw arrives on Skypia it is the law that they must be led to the Upper Yard to die! Any citizen that goes against this law must be killed!"

Everyone in your group stiffened and then, in perfect union, you, Luffy, and Sanji screamed, "IF YOU HAD TO THEN WHY DID TOU TELL US THAT?!"

The townspeople were shifting about nervously. One person shouted that the 'Kami's wrath' was coming.

'The heck...?' You though, sniffing the air. Then the sky broke apart in a roar of lighting. Luffy jerked Conis out of the way as a beam of electricity shot down from the sky. You all jumped into the boat, heading away from there as fast as possible, and straight to the Upper Yard.

(I meant to update this sooner, I swear. But then school happened, and ect. ect. life stuff. Sorry though! Still can't believe this has almost 600 views... I was genuinely surprised when it got above twenty, and now look ! It's almost like I made something good! 👍)

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