37. State of Calamity

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(SORTA IMPORTANT) Author's note below. Please please please read

"Gosh Sonic you're feeling hot today."

"What can I say? Fever attacks at the most random of times." Sonic grumbled while sniffing. He was staying over at Amy's after he got a cold due to what happened the other episode. "Bro, what happened?" Manic asked.

"It's a long story...that's not meant to be told." He wheezed with a heavy shrug. "Where's Tails?"

"Hanging out at his house, with Shadow. But don't worry Vanilla's staying and taking care of them." Amy replied dabbing a wet towel on his forehead which he squirmed and tried to remove it. By the looks of it, Sonic's fever might stay for a while, and for that while he was beginning to get antsy.

"Can't I go out?" He told them. Amy and Manic just gave him a look and he sunk down in his sheets. After mending him, they let him have a time for himself and he let out a sigh. Quickly, he jumped out of bed which made him wobble in his unstable condition but managed to go over the villa of Amy's room. He inhaled the fresh air which seemed to sooth his uncool soul.

After the recent events, he was still shaken up of what Shadow could possibly do if the demon within him isn't stopped. But one thing couldn't change in him though; they love each other very much. And there would be no way or even possible that they would lose.

The silence was then interrupted when Sonic's tummy groaned. He chuckled lightly and immediately went out of the room to go and taste out Amy's dishes. Once they finished eating, the two siblings had a small jamming session even though he still hadn't been well but they enjoyed.

But things would seem too bad for them the next.

"Here's some tea Rouge." Vanilla offered her the tea and she sips it until it finishes. Handing it back, Rouge thanked her and was allowed to go up to where Shadow's being taken care of. She went past Tails' room where Cream and Cheese were entertaining him, Tails' eyes locked over to Rouge's for a minute then went back to talking with Cream.

Finally she arrived at Shadow's room. Knocking twice, she heard muffled grumbling at the other end then finally had Shadow's permission to go in.

"I just can't handle it, Rouge. Why am I being like this?" Shadow tells her. She only gave him a pitiful look as he glared at her, motioning for her to not pity on him, but he carried on.

"I don't know why I still live like this. I could be used against something big and bad that the world will hate it because of me." He paused for a moment of silence as Rouge made an uncomfortable shuffle. "Maybe...maybe, I shouldn't have lived at all."

It ached for Rouge to know that her friend was suffering too much. It also ached her heart to hear Sonic's desperate complaints about Shadow's yearning for death. "As much as you wished for that to happen, it won't do. You were created to save the whole world against evil, and to live like a normal Mobian being."

"But how will I able to? Live a normal life like any others, I am known for the holder of the cure, also the holder for the world's demise. I can't even get away from Dr. Eggman because he is the cousin of Maria!" He punched his bed and fought for not tearing up, already showing his side of weakness.

"You are already living a normal life Shadow, you're just extraordinary from the others." Rouge began, "Hadn't you realized that you're already saving the world from possible dangers even that you are being manipulated for countless of times?" She added, and then there was a spark of understanding in her eyes.

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