Do Unto Others

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NOTE: I know this is a very short chapter, but I'm really pressed for time at the moment and didn't want to make you wait any longer :) Hope this satisfies. If not, my apologies :)


“And not a moment too soon
Without a minute to spare
You touched my heart
When I didn't have a prayer
In my darkest hour
With my world filled with gloom
Your sweet love saved me
Not a moment too soon.”

- Not A Moment Too Soon, TIM MCGRAW


 The instant Alan disappeared through that door, Mason tensed, preparing for the shit to hit the fan. And it didn’t take but seconds it seemed before a body was slammed against the wall from inside the room. There was no guessing just who was being slammed. Jonah had been an explosive ball of fury the moment he’d shown up at the hospital, and surely even more so now that he’d witnessed with his own eyes the destruction caused by Alan’s fists. Informing the man it had been a really bad idea to beat up Jonah’s boyfriend, had been a grave understatement.

At the first sound of altercation, Tessa rushed for the door, eyes wide with alarm. “What is he doing?” she cried and burst into the room. Rebecca and Colleen were in a state of confusion, but followed the woman into Noble’s room.

Mason would have preferred to just stay out of it and let Jonah wreak havoc, and he would certainly let him give the man a healthy ass whooping – but he drew the line at allowing his son to beat the guy to death – even if the world would be better off without the piece of shit in it. And in Jonah’s state of mind, knowing full well the hell Alan had put Noble through, Mason wasn’t entirely certain the young man could stop himself.

He stepped into the room in time to see Jonah’s fist smash into Alan’s ribs, buckling the man’s body. “Feels good, doesn’t it, motherfucker!” Jonah’s eyes burned with rage and retribution as his steel fist caught the guy again in his kidney. Alan wailed and started to go down, but Jonah dragged him to his feet and pinned him against the wall, his strong arm shoved hard against the man’s throat, holding him in place. “Stand on your fucking feet! If a fourteen year old boy can take it – you can too!

“Stop it!” Tessa cried, frantic, terrified for her husband. Her wide, tear-filled eyes cut to Mason in desperation. “Make him stop! Please!”

Mason just looked at her, wishing desperately in that one moment that he was the kind of man who could hit a woman. His love and sense of protection for Noble boiled to the surface in a rush of rage. “What about your son? Were you screaming at that motherfucker to stop hitting him? Where were you, Tess? Huh? Where the fuck were you when your fucking husband was beating your child? Down in the kitchen making dinner? Pretending you didn’t hear his screams and cries? But now you want to come to his rescue?” He jabbed a finger at Alan. “Fuck you! You don’t get to protect that motherfucker when you turned your back on your own son!” His breath rushed through his nostrils. “Just consider this a necessary lesson.”


Jonah ground his forearm into Alan’s throat, causing him to choke and gag, eyes bulging. “You see that man right there?” Jonah hissed in his face. “That man is a real father. You? You’re just a worthless piece of shit!” A hard exhale of air burst up Alan’s throat as Jonah’s fist smashed into his diaphragm. “Did it make you feel tough to beat on a kid, motherfucker? Did it make you feel like a man?” Rage surged through him as images of the boy Noble had been suffered at the hands of those who were meant to protect him, accept him, love him no matter what. His jaw clenched hard and he drilled the man’s ribs again and again, his kidneys and stomach, as behind his eyes he saw Noble’s bruised and beaten body falling beneath his father’s fists.

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