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As I was crying I heard the front door open again, and naturally I thought it was Simon coming back to say sorry.
"I told you Simon I don't want you near me!" I shouted as I wiped away my tears but as I stopped crying I saw Sarah and Freya standing in my living room door way with shocked expressions plastered on their faces,
"Sav! What happened?" Sarah asked as she and Freya rushed over to me
"S-Simon and I fought and it got nasty really quickly, I got angry and threw a photo at him but I missed because he ducked so that it wouldn't hit him. He t-then got angrier than he already was and we started to fight each other and before I knew it Simon punched me and I smacked the side of my face on the table." I explained and I watched a I followed Sarah and Freya's gaze as they both looked at the smashed photo and the table that had my blood smeared across the side of it.
"Are you okay?" Freya asked me, all I did was shake my head as the tears came rushing out again but quickly Sarah and Freya were hugging me for comfort.
"Sarah go and get a wet cloth so we can clean up the cut on her face." Freya instructed to Sarah, who smiled and nodded in response to her. I just sat with Freya as my hands started to shake uncontrollably because I was still in so much shock because of what happened between Simon and I. Sarah came back with a wet cloth and started to dab the cut which hurt like hell as she wiped away the blood that was starting to dry up on my face.
"Freya this cut is too deep, it's more like a gash we need to get her to the hospital so she can have stitches put in." Sarah said to us, I sighed heavily and I picked up my phone so I could look at the cut in the reflection of my phone and she was right, the cut was so deep you could see the tissue that protected the bone.
"I don't want to go to the hospital."
"You have no choice in this Savanna, you're hurt and need medical attention so we are going to take you to the hospital right now." Freya said seriously as she picked picked up her car keys and assisted me to the car.

It didn't take long to get to the hospital so I was seen to be treated by the doctor quite quickly, I went in with Sarah and Freya because I didn't want to go into the room by myself.
"Okay you're all done Savanna, now I need you to tell me how this happened." The doctor said seriously
"Um well I tripped on the corner of my mat at home and smacked my face on the table on the corner." I lied
"Okay and what about your hands?"
"Oh that I dropped and smashed a glass and as I was picking the broken bits of glass up I must have cut my knuckles while doing it." I lied again
"Well that's all, you are good to go just remember to dress the stitch in warm water to keep it clean." The doctor said
"I will, thanks." I smiled as Sarah, Freya and I walked out of the room and out of the hospital to get back to the car
"Why did you lie to him?" Freya asked
"Because I didn't want to police involved, think about it, if the police were involved then it would get out to the Internet that Simon had hit me and I wouldn't want that for him, he may have done this too me but I don't want his career ruined over this." I said
"But now he's getting away with this Sav." Sarah said to me
"Yeah I know."
"Does that not upset you?"
"Course it does, but I don't want to ruin his job for him when it's something that he loves doing and his really good at it." I said. The girls didn't say anything after that they just sat in silence, very quickly we arrived at Cal's house with Sarah and Freya and I agreed to go in with her and just hang out together.

All three of us got to the door and because Sarah had a key she unlocked the door and walked into the flat and called out just to let the boys know that we were all here. When Sarah closed the door behind us all we walked further into the flat and as I heard the laughter getting louder and louder, I smiled at all of the boys who were sitting with both Cal's plus Harry. I then heard footsteps coming closer and closer from behind me and as I saw all of the boys sitting down I knew that the only person that could be behind me was the one person that I didn't want to see.
"Simon come look at this." JJ called
"Yeah okay." Simon said normally he then pushed past me hitting my shoulder quite harshly, he turned around and looked me dead in the eyes and he showed no emotion what so ever his face was plain, still and emotionless which sort of scared me a little. Both Sarah and Freya noticed what Simon did, they looked at each other then at me, I could read both of them like a book and I knew exactly when Freya got angry which wasn't very often; I started to shake my head quickly at her but quite subtly so the guys wouldn't noticed me action but she completely ignored me and then snapped.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"
"Sorry?" Simon asked Freya
"Freya don't do this." I said quietly
"What gives you the fucking right to do what you did to Savanna?!"
"What's she talking about Simon?" Josh asked Simon
"I have no clue." He tried to laugh it off which just made me a little angry but made Freya and Sarah absolutely mad,
"Don't you dare lie and say that you don't know what I'm talking about!"
"Freya. Please." I said a little louder, Freya just looked at me and then stood up from sitting next to Josh and walked over to where I was standing, she picked up my hand which hurt like hell.
"What happened to your hands?" Tobi asked me
"I um cut them on glass" I lied
"No you didn't, he caused it!" Sarah snapped, as she pointed directly at Simon
"What did he do?" Ethan asked me
"S-Simon and I got into an argument and well we started to fight and well Simon punched me in the face and as I fell I smacked my face on my table." I explained, the boys all exchanged shocked and disgusted looks with each other, Freya then pushed back my hair where I was hiding the stitches on my face and the bruise on the side of my eye.
"Simon did you do this?" Vikk asked
"Y-yeah but it was an accident I promise." Simon said quietly
"That's no excuse Simon you should never ever hit her!" Josh hissed
"I'm so sorry Savanna it wasn't meant to happen."
"But it still did though." I spat

"Did you press charges?" Harry asked
"No" when I said that I saw Simon look at me in a different way, it was almost like there was a little gleam in his eyes
"Why not?" He asked me
"Even though you did this I didn't want it to ruin your job." I admitted
"So what happens now?" Cal asked me
"I think I'm going to move back to America. Permanently." When I said that I shocked everyone who was in the room with me when I said it,
"Why?" Ethan asked me
"Because I don't want to be here anymore, this place is bad for me, Simon is bad for me I can't stay here anymore I'm going to move at the end of the week." I informed them all
"How can you do that so quickly?"
"Technically I still own the house I had with Noah in America because the lease is under my name, so I will move out there." I said to them all
"You can't I love you" Simon said
"You love me?! Sorry you call giving someone a black eye, bruised and cut hands and having to go to the hospital to get stitches for what you caused love? If so then there is something so wrong with you Simon and guess what?"
"What?" He asked me
"I don't love you." I said spitefully as I walked out of the flat and down the street so that I could get back home and start packing so that I could move back to America and live in there permanently.

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