Twenty Three

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I sighed heavily, my heart was pounding because it had only just sunk in as to what I had just agreed to. I got out of bed and put my phone back on charge I then walked down the stairs and into the kitchen so I could get some breakfast which consisted of a glass of apple juice and a slice of toast. While I was waiting for my toast to pop up I heard a light knock on my front door and when I went to answer it I saw Simon standing on my doorstep with a smile on his face, I didn't smile back at him I just let him into my flat.
"What are you doing here Simon?" I asked him as I walked back into my kitchen to take the piece of toast from the toaster
"Am I not allowed to come and see you?" He asked with a little laugh
"I just wasn't expecting you that's all." I was about to eat my toast when Simon took it from my hand and took a bite out of it. I sighed heavily in frustration, he then put it back down on my plate
"You have it, I don't want it anymore."
"I only wanted a bite I was hungry."
"Don't worry about it." I said bluntly I then put the toast in the bin and put the plate in the sink. Completely ignoring Simons existence I walked up the stairs and into my room to pick out some clothes for me to wear.

 Completely ignoring Simons existence I walked up the stairs and into my room to pick out some clothes for me to wear

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"Can you pass me my phone." I asked Simon without making eye contact with him as I was putting on my black hat. Just as Simon was passing me my phone I got a text and he stopped to look at it but I snatched my phone away from him in anger and frustration
"Do you mind?" I asked him
"Who's Noah?" He asked me, he obviously got a quick glimpse of the name I just sighed and put my phone on my jacket pocket
"No one." I replied back to him
"Well he must be something as he has a heart and world next to his name." I never really got the chance to change to emojis next to Noah's name they just stayed there with no meaning.
"If you must know that's Noah my ex-boyfriend." I snapped at him
"Why is he messaging you?" Simon asked
"Because in three days he's coming to live in London again and he wanted to talk to me so I agreed to meet him."
"Why didn't you tell me any of this?"
"Because I only found out this morning. I didn't think that I had to tell you everything that goes on in my life! God you are so controlling Simon!" I shouted at him, Simon didn't say anything he just stood still in anger
"Just get out Simon I don't want to see you anymore!" I shouted at him
"What are you breaking up with me?"
"No I just don't want to be around you at the moment so can you just leave please" I said to Simon as I watched him walk out of my room, I then heard the front door open and close I walked over to my window seat an looked out to see Simon about to get into his car when he looked up at me I just stared back at him until he drove away in the car.

I left the house a few minutes after Simon left because I was going out to see Sarah and Cal(lux) I had met Sarah a few times and she became my best friend instantly I would tell her everything and she wouldn't judge me for it. So I got into my car and drove to see Sarah because I had something to show her and I needed her honest opinion on it. I got to the house and walked up to the door and knocked on it lightly, Cal(freezy) answered and smiled at me and I smiled back
"Is Sarah in?" I asked him, he just nodded as he stepped aside and let me walk in and he closed the door shut behind me
"Oh everyone else is coming over later so it might be a bit hectic just a heads up." Cal said as we both walked into the living room.
"By everyone you mean-"
"The Sidemen yes."
"Right okay fine." I said a bit quietly
"You okay Savanna?" I heard Sarah as as she walked out of the kitchen
"Yeah. Sort of. No not really." I sighed
"Come on we can talk in my room." She smiled sweetly and took hold of my hand and we walked into her room so we could talk together.

We both sat down on her bed cross legged facing each other like we always did when something was wrong with the other one.
"So come on tell me what's wrong?"
"I don't know I was a bit off with Simon earlier." I sighed
"About what?"
"I don't know I just snapped because I asked him to grab my phone earlier when he came over which I didn't even know about, and this was at like half nine in the morning. I got a message from my ex-boyfriend."
"What Noah?" She asked and I nodded, Sarah knew everything about Noah and what happened
"I guess I was in a bad mood because of that because he said that he was moving back to London in three days and I said that I would meet up with him and talk about our relationship because I can't just throw three good years away I still want to be friends with him. Anyway I asked Simon to pass me my phone and he got a quick glimpse of Noah's name on my phone which had a heart and a world next to it because I didn't get the chance to change it and when I told Simon that Noah was my ex-boyfriend he started to get really controlling and I got annoyed so I said that I didn't want to see him and I asked him to leave my house and then I came here to tell you."
"I don't know what to say Sav, I do think you overreacted just a little bit."
"Yeah I know I did, I'll speak to him when he gets here later." I smiled "oh I want to show you something that I had done a few days ago." I smiled again
"Okay." Sarah said to me.

I lifted up my top and showed Sarah,
"Well what do you think?" I asked her
"Well its definitely something Sav."
"But do you like it?" I asked her
"Course I do, it's amazing." I pulled my top back down and smiled at Sarah, we then spent the rest of our time talking and laughing until the boys came round because I needed to apologise to Simon for overreacting earlier. I then heard the distinctive laugh that belonged to JJ so Sarah and I stood up from her bed and made our way down the stairs and into the living room to see all of the boys sitting around playing FIFA, I saw Simon sitting in the corner of the room on a bean bag not paying attention because he was looking down at his phone so I walked over and sat down on his lap which took him by surprise a little.
"You okay?" He asked me
"No not yet ask me again in a few seconds."
"Um okay?" Simon was confused
"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier you didn't upset me it was the shock of Noah telling me that he was coming home and that he said that he loved me. So I'm sorry that I took it out on you do you forgive me?" I asked
"Course I do." He smiled "you okay?" He asked me
"Yeah I am now." I smiled as Simon took hold of my hand and held it up against his and kissed my head while having his spare arm wrapped round my waist. I smiled to myself as I lied back on Simon's chest and he rested his head on my shoulder as we just had little conversations with each other occasionally making each other laugh.

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