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* Private Messages between Josh and Savanna*

Josh: Savanna I am so sorry about what happened, I was so thankful for you helping me without you none of this would've actually happened and this whole Youtube thing got bigger than I had even expected and I was meaning to call you but I had so many events and opportunities over the years that I just never got the chance to so I am so so so sorry.😭😭😭

Savanna: You don't get it Josh, I was happy for you about all of this the thing that has upset me the most was that I had known you longer than Freya did and at the time she wasn't even your girlfriend but you still kept in contact with her and you took her on your journey whereas I just got left behind, it felt like our whole friendship was fake and that it meant nothing to you at all because it meant so much to me and I thought it did with you as well. 😭

Josh: so this whole time you were jealous of Freya? Savi why didn't you just call or text me because you knew that I would've come to see you.

Savanna: Because you were doing so well on your own I didn't think that you would need me and I didn't want to ruin that for you with my petty needs.

Josh: your needs aren't petty, I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for you, I would've dropped everything to come and see you.

Savanna: I'm sorry Josh

Josh: Oh Savi, you have nothing to be sorry about this was all my fault I'm the one who should be apologising to you not the other way around.

Savanna: it's fine Josh you were only trying to improve your job I get it now I just wish I did before and not of gotten so jealous and up set over it.

Josh: yeah but I should've taken time to come and see you instead of putting all of my energy into my job I should've been there for you and maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Savanna: it's fine you were only doing your job, anyway neither of us know where we would've been if this didn't happen.

Josh: I do, we would still be friends.

Savanna: that doesn't matter now it's in the past.

Josh: Savi?

Savanna: yeah?

Josh: are we okay now? I mean can we be friends again?

Savanna: only if you want to?

Josh: I would love to, I mean if you want to?

Savanna: I would love to 😊

Josh: good, I'm so glad I have you back Savi

Savanna: So am I ❤️

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