Twenty Eight

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I woke up the next day lying curled into a ball in a bed, when I checked my surroundings I realised that I was in Zoe's spare room but when I sat up properly I saw Joe lying on the floor with only a blanket and one of his hoodies that he had folded up into a pillow shape when I saw him like that I instantly felt bad and so guilty and when I felt guilty I remembered what happened last night with Simon and how I ended things with him. Tears started to form in my eyes and a few rolled down my face and I was so close to sobbing my heart out but Joe woke up so wiped away the few tears that had fallen down my face and made sure that it wasn't noticeable that I had been crying ever so slightly over Simon.
"Morning Savanna." Joe smiled
"You know you didn't have to sleep on the floor, you were staying in the house first I would've been happy with sleeping on the sofa for the night." I told him as I tied back my hair all Joe did was smile and stretch out but it was obvious to me that he was in pain from sleeping on the floor and that made me feel even more guilty. I got out of the bed and down the stairs to see Zoe setting up breakfast for Joe and I,
"Morning Savanna." She smiled to me
"Morning Zoe, um have you seen my phone?" I asked her with an attempt of some kind of smile
"Yeah it's by the TV, it hasn't stopped ringing and making notification noises, you must be popular." She smiled
"Not really, the majority of it will be Simon and possibly the boys. Sorry if it was annoying you." I said while looking down at the blank black screen
"It's fine, I do think you should reply to either Simon or the boys though." Zoe smiled sympathetically to me, I just nodded softly and slowly I then pressed the cold middle button to see hundreds if not thousands of messages fro the group chat and so many calls from Simon. I just sighed and then unlocked the phone while sitting down on the sofa while I read through all the messages debating whether to reply to any of them or not.

*Savanna joined the group chat*

Josh: Savanna are you okay?

Savanna: not really no

Harry: Come home Savanna we can all talk if you want?

Savanna: I'm coming home today but I don't want to go to the house Harry, I can't talk to him at the moment

Harry: that's fine, but he is in pieces

Savanna: and you think that I'm not!

Josh: he didn't say that Sav

Savanna: Sorry Harry I didn't mean to snap, he won't stop calling me

Tobi: you'll have to speak to him Sav

Savanna: I gave him my reasons why I ended it I don't get why he won't leave me alone

Vikk: because he's heartbroken Savanna you were and probably still are his world. Simon has never loved a girl this much before you really did make an impact on his life

Savanna: and he made one in mine, but he kept getting jealous and controlling I couldn't handle it

Simon: why didn't you tell me any of this?

Savanna: I tried but you never listened it just went in one ear and out the other with you Simon

Simon: I'm sorry Savanna please can we sort this out I love you

Savanna: I get it Simon but I just don't think I can carry on with this I just want to be friends, we rushed into it all so quickly and that ruined everything. Everything was so much easier when we were friends.

Simon: fine we'll slow everything down.

Savanna: you don't get it, that won't work.

Simon: why won't it!

*Savanna has left the group chat*

Josh: just give her time Simon she'll come around when she is ready.

I put my phone on the couch just as Joe was walking into the living, he smiled at Zoe and then walked over to me
"You okay?" He asked me
"Perfect (?!)" I said sarcastically I then stormed off out of the living room and into the spare room and just sat on the bed thinking about everything. While I was sitting there Zoe walked and smiled sympathetically at me and joined me on the bed.
"I didn't mean to snap at Joe."
"I know you didn't, I understand Savanna I can take you home later if you want if you don't want to be with Joe." Zoe suggested which was kind
"No I'll go with Joe it will give me time to apologise to him." I said to her
"Well here are some clothes for you to wear, you can keep these I wasn't going to wear these anymore so I thought you could have them instead." Zoe smiled sweetly at me I just smiled back, she hugged me briefly "if anything gets to much you are always welcome here." Zoe said as she got off the bed and walked to the door to leave
"Thanks Zoe." I smiled as she left the room.

" I smiled as she left the room

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(*Time Skip*)

"Sav are you ready to go?" I heard Joe call out bluntly, I walked into the living and nodded at him slowly I hugged and said goodbye to Zoe and Alfie before I got into the car with Joe. I couldn't sit in silence with him and I knew that I had to apologise to him so that's where I started with him, by saying sorry.
"Joe I'm sorry I snapped at you, I was or still am,  in a bad mood but and I shouldn't have taken it out on you, you were only trying to be nice and polite so I'm sorry for being horrible to you."
"It's okay don't worry about it Sav, I would've reacted the exact same way if I was in your situation. You and Noah you're not going to get back with him are you?" Joe asked me
"I'm not planning on it why?" I asked
"No reason- *sigh* well I just don't want Simon thinking that the only reason that you broke up with him was because you want to get back with Noah." Joe explained to me, I just slumped myself back in the car seat and sat in complete silence as Joe drove us back to London.

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