Twenty Nine

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When Joe dropped me off at my flat I got out of the car, thanked him, and then walked into my flat but too find that it was already unlocked but it wasn't forced so someone with a key must have gotten in and the only person with a key to my flat is Josh.
"Josh are you here?!" I called out, I then heard footsteps coming from behind the living room door and too my surprise Simon was standing so still just staring at me with his big red puffy eyes which were once a deep blue.
"What are you doing here Simon?" I sighed heavily in defeat while asking
"To see you, I want a proper explanation about why you broke up with me." He stuttered, I walked into the living room with him following close behind me
"I already told you why we broke up, you were controlling, jealous, angry, aggressive and just a really bad listener." I said
"I was never angry or controlling towards you." He snapped aggressively in offence
"See you're doing it now!" I snap also aggressively I then sighed and ran my hands through my hair as I sat down on the sofa with my head hanging low. I saw Simon's figure in front of me he was crouching down to my level, he then removed my hands from my face and held my hands in his instead,
"I'm sorry that I was a crap boyfriend but I do love you Savanna."
"I never said that you didn't I just found it better, no, easier when we were friends I feel like I have to prove myself to you all the time just to make you listen." I said on the verge of tears
"Why the hell did you feel like that?"
"Because you didn't trust me!" I shouted at him
"I did trust you, I trust you with my life Sav you mean the world to me."
"Then why did I feel like absolute shit when I was with you? Like I was worth nothing to you?" I asked in anger
"I don't know? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't want to burden you with it, I wanted you to be happy and the only way I could do that was to not bother you with all my problems and feelings." I finally said to Simon. He sighed heavily and then sat on the sofa with me, he pulled me by my shoulder so I was leaning on his chest as he carefully planted a kiss on my head.

"You should've told me Savanna we could've sorted this." Simon whispered
"I know, I'm sorry." I said back
"I love you." Simon said quietly, I just laid there in absolutely silence not saying anything back to him "do you love me?" Simon asked me seriously, I knew this was coming sooner or later
"It's hard to explain." I said as I sat up
"Well not really, you either love me or you don't because I seem to be the only one saying it in this relationship."
"Well technically there isn't a relationship we are broken up Simon."
"Oh yeah right, I thought that we were okay no?" He asked me
"What you thought that me saying how I feel and you finally listening to me would make this all okay and go away?"
"Well yeah I did actually." Simon snapped in anger.
"Well you clearly don't know me then." I said bluntly as I stood up from my sofa and walked over to my mantel piece, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths and when I opened them I saw a picture of Simon and I from when we went to the park with the boys.
"Obviously I don't! Because you never fucking tell me a thing Savanna it's like a fucking guessing game with you!"
"Well what do you want me to do?! Tell you everything god damn thing?!"
"Well that would help!" He snapped, I just rolled my eyes at him in frustration
"There you go again the silent treatment! You shut me out how the hell am I meant to know you if all you do is shut me out all the time?" Simon asked me, all I did was stay silent to him.

"You know what fuck you! You're just a selfish, self-centred,  arrogant Bitch!" Simon shouted at me and that's when I lost it, I picked up the photo and launched it at him but he ducked and it missed him he was shocked and angry that I had just thrown that at him, suddenly he came charging over to me and started to grab my arms but I was fighting back we were both so angry.
"Let go of me Simon!" I shouted at him but he didn't listen to me, things were getting so bad and heated very quickly and that's when it all went wrong and escalated very very quickly. Simon and I were fighting and screaming and shouting when suddenly he swung for me and punched me in the face, I fell to the floor and smacked my face on the corner of the table by the mantle piece.
"Savanna I'm so sorry." He said quickly
"Get off me! Don't you dare touch me!"
"Savanna I-" but I cut him off
"Get out Simon! Don't you dare come near me ever again!" I snapped at him, I watched as Simon stood up and walked out of my living room I heard the front door close and that's when I burst into tears because of him.

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