Twenty Five

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Today was the day that Noah was coming home but I had work so I would have to meet up with him later, last night Simon and spent the night together we didn't do anything to heated we just made out and watched a few things on Netflix in my room while cuddling in my bed it's not like I don't want to do anything with Simon of course I do I just want to be able to trust him and so far he hasn't given me a reason not to but I guess that I still want to wait before I go all the way with him. When I got out of bed I put my phone on charge and went into the bathroom to shower. When I got out of the shower I walked over to me wardrobe to pick out some clothes.

When I had gotten dressed and done my makeup I grabbed my phone from charge and put it into my bag along with a bottle of water and an apple because I was running slightly late I left the house and locked it up behind me I got into my car and drov...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

When I had gotten dressed and done my makeup I grabbed my phone from charge and put it into my bag along with a bottle of water and an apple because I was running slightly late I left the house and locked it up behind me I got into my car and drove to work so I could avoid being extremely late which is what would've happened if I decided to walk instead of driving, when I got to work Nathan was just turning on the open sign he sighed and laughed a little at me because of what time I had arrived I then walked into the back room and put my bag away I then walked back out with my apron and started to take the chairs off of the tables.
"Is Liam here yet?" I asked Nathan
"No he and Isla aren't coming in today because Isla is ill and Liam has a business meeting so he's left us in charge." Nathan smiled at me
"Right well then let's put on some music then." I said with a smile, I then walked into the back room and picked up a Bluetooth speaker that I have hidden away just in case Liam can't come into work we then play the music and it makes the customers happy.

Nathan put on the music and just like last time I started dancing while serving and dancing to our customers, while I was serving our customers I heard the bell on top of the door sound
"I'll be with you in a minute." I called
"Still can't dance then?" I heard the familiar voice question and I knew instantly who it was
"N-Noah I didn't think you were coming here till later on?" I asked
"Well my plane landed early so I decided to come here, I didn't know you worked here." He answered me
"Yeah I do, look as you can see I'm working at the moment and I have to cover a shift so I won't get off work until late so maybe come back later on at around six that's when I'll get off from work and then we can talk." I told Noah all he did was nod and sit down at a table in the corner of the cafe.

(*Time Skip*)

It got to six o'clock finally and Noah walked through the door with a smile on his face he also had his hand behind his back and I was confused as to what he had behind him but I didn't pay any attention until I grabbed my bag that's when he handed me a bouquet of roses.
"Why have you bought me these?"
"Because I know that they're one of your favourite flowers." He smiled, just as I was about to reply to him the door opened again and in walked Simon with also a bouquet of flowers but these ones were daffodils .
"Simon what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to surprise you with Flowers." He smiled slightly at me
"Oh daffodils great." I said unenthusiastically
"Savanna is allergic to daffodils." Noah said bluntly, I hit his arm lightly but still I took the flowers from Simon
"He's learning leave him alone Noah."
"So who are you then to Savanna?" Noah asked intimidatingly
"Her boyfriend and you are?"
"The ex." Noah snapped, I just rolled my eyes at him
"Ah the one who cheated on Savanna I know who you are now." Simon spat "why are you with him?" He asked me
"Because we're going to talk."
"Why he's in your past isn't he?" Simon said angrily towards me
"Hey back off yeah?" Noah spat back
"Look I'll see you tomorrow, come on Noah." I put down the daffodils and walked out of the door with Noah by my side.

"What's his problem?" Noah asked
"You are, he knows what you did all of my friends know what you did and don't talk to him like that again he was there for me when I found out about you and that receptionist so don't think that for one minute that because we dated for three years that you some how out rank him because you don't."
"I just asked a question Sav, I'm not trying to get you back or anything I just wanted to clear the air so that it won't be awkward if you were to ever see me in the streets." Noah explained as we walked down the streets of London all I did was nod slowly and roll my eyes at him, I took Noah to a little cafe so we could sit and talk about everything.
"So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about then Noah?" I asked him
"I just wanted to apologise face to face about everything and the way that I treated you I took your love for granted and I'm so sorry about it." I could always tell when Noah was lying to me or being genuine and this was genuine
"Apology accepted." I smiled lightly
"Really?" He asked with a surprised tone
"I'm not one to hold grudges after someone has apologised so yeah we are good now." I smiled to him as I took a sip of my hot drink that I had ordered,
"So come on then since we are sorted tell me how you met Simon." Noah said
"I met him through a friend, it was still while we were dating and when I was in America but we never got together until I moved here and it was a good couple of months before we went on our first date." I explained to Noah
"Where did he take you?"
"Actually I took him to his favourite football team's stadium in Leeds, *laugh a little* I mean it wasn't exactly what I thought I would be doing on a late Saturday night but I did enjoy myself." I smiled to Noah and he smiled back to me.

Noah and I talked for hours until I decided to go home, Noah walked me back to my flat and we approached my drive.
"I didn't know that you got a new car?" Noah asked me, I then looked to match his gaze and saw Simon's car in my drive
"That's not mine it's Simon's" I sighed
"Well I'll let you go and see him then."
"Yeah look I actually did have fun, I'll see you some other time Noah."
"Yeah course." Noah and I hugged he then walked away and I went into my flat with my flowers I filled up a vase with some water and put the roses in the vase and placed them on the window sill in the kitchen above the sink. I then walked into my room to see Simon sitting on the edge of my bed
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"To see you, I thought you hated Noah?"
"I do, I did. Look he apologised so I accepted it." I sighed as I hung up my bag
"Now what?" He asked me
"What are you on about Simon?"
"What about you and him?"
"There is nothing going on with us I like you Simon and that's not going to change even if all my ex boyfriends show up I will always pick you over them because I like you." I smiled
"But I love you." He admitted
"Yeah I know you do Simon."
"And what you don't love me?"
"I like you isn't that enough?"
"No for me no it's isn't." He snapped
"Well you know where the door is then don't you." I snapped back in anger
"What?" He asked
"Well if that isn't enough for you then you can leave." I pointed to the door but all he did was stand in my room
"Leave!" I shouted, Simon then walked out of my room and out of the flat as I heard the front door slam and him drive away, I got changed into my pyjamas and got into my bed and that night I struggled to get myself to sleep properly.

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