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I had the day off today I was going to see if Joe wanted to hang out but he said that he was filming and editing all day so I couldn't hang with him so I thought that I would go and see Josh, I remembered him telling me where he lived so I thought that I would go and see him, Josh and I did this stupid thing where we would get in a box and mail our selfs to each other's houses when we had been away for a long time. One time Josh's handwriting was so bad that instead of getting mailed to my house he ended up getting mailed to a complete strangers house all the way in New Zealand so I had to pay for his ticket to come back home. I found an old box that I used when I moved to the UK and it was big enough of me so I wrote down the address and placed it in the hall, I wen back upstairs into my room to go and get changed into something clothes to wear.

 I found an old box that I used when I moved to the UK and it was big enough of me so I wrote down the address and placed it in the hall, I wen back upstairs into my room to go and get changed into something clothes to wear

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I then grabbed my car and house keys along with my phone and left the house locking it up behind me I then got into my car and drove to Josh's house. When I got there I parked my car quite far down the street so it wouldn't look weird that there was in unrecognisable car outside of his house, when I walked up the street to get to his house I noticed that there wasn't any cars this was a good and bad thing the good thing was that I could get into the box without being noticed by him or any of the boys, the bad thing was that I didn't know how long he or the boys would be so this was going to be a waiting game. I poked some holes into the box so I could breathe and not suffocate in the very cramped cardboard box.

(*Time Skip*)

I had been waiting inside the box for what felt like forever I was going to give up and just sit on the doorstep when I heard multiple care pull up and multiple car doors close.
"Yo guys who ordered a package?" I heard someone shout I knew it wasn't Simon or Josh as that's not what they sounded like,
"Josh the package is for you." A close voice called out to Josh
"Could you take it in while I unload the car?" Josh asked
"Sure." I then felt the floor disappear from underneath me as I was picked up
"Fucking hell Josh what did you order it's really heavy!" The voice strained
"It's probably the new camera lights that I ordered last week." Josh replied as I heard the front door close shut, I was then placed on the floor gently
"Well are you going to open it then?" I heard Simon ask Josh
"Yeah hold on." I heard two thumps hit the floor my guess was that Josh took off his shoes, I heard the tape get pealed off the cardboard box that's when I jumped up out of the box which scared all the boys especially Josh but he was happy to see me.
"Savanna!" He said happily, I kicked the box out of the way and hugged Josh tightly nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck, I felt his beard prickle on my neck and it was uncomfortable but I didn't mind.

"You're here." He smiled at me as he released me from his grip and took me into the living room with all the other boys.
"Savanna." One man said but I didn't know exactly which one of the boys he was.
"Sav, this is JJ, Harry, Ethan, Tobi, Vik and Simon." Josh smiled at me
"So now the names have a face." I smirked at them all, "although I already knew Simon he showed up at my work just after the argument on the group chat." I said as I sat down on the sofa in between Josh and JJ.
"Oh thanks for calling me heavy by the way JJ." I said turning my head to face him
"Ha sorry." He looked guilty but it made me laugh a little
"It's cool." I replied to him
"So how come you're here then Sav?"Ethan asked me
"Well it was my day off and I was going to hang out with Joe, I can't remember his last name he used to be a roof thatcher-"
"What Joe Sugg?" Harry asked me
"That's it." I pointed at Harry
"How do you know Joe?" Vik asked
"I met him at work he arrived just before Simon did, I gave him his order and he gave me his number but as I was saying I was going to see him but he said that he filming and editing to do so instead I thought why not surprise my best friend." I smiled towards Josh he then put his arm around me and smiled back.

"Why mail yourself to the house though?" Tobi asked me, I noticed that Josh let out a little laugh which made me smile
"It was something that Josh and I did when we were friends all them years ago, basically when one of us would go away for a long time like a holiday for example we would come back, get a cardboard box and mail ourselves to each other as a surprise." I explained which confused the boys greatly but made me laugh. I then told them the story about what happened to Josh and his bad handwriting which did make the boys laugh, the whole time I was talking to the boys Simon wouldn't stop looking at me I would catch him off guard occasionally and he would either look away completely or down to his phone but I just brushed it off as nothing.
"Come on then who's going to show me around?" I asked as I stood up
"I will." Simon offered I smiled at him
"Great." He then smiled back at me and took me into the kitchen first.

Not a lot of time passed but we were in the last room which happened to be Simon's room when we walked in I noticed that it was actually quite big for a room.
"It's a nice room, bit plain but nice." I said to him as I sat down at his vague near his desk
"There's nothing wrong with my room I like it the way it is." He said defensively
"What boring?" I asked Simon frowned at me slightly "joking it's a nice room." I smiled at him which put him at ease.
"So how long have you known Josh?" I asked him
"A few years he is such a nice, caring friend." Simon said as he walked closer to me
"Yeah he is." I said quietly and smiled slightly to myself while thinking of all of the memories Josh and I shared together. Simon and I stared at each other for a while I didn't notice before but his eyes were such a deep mesmerising shade of blue that twinkled slightly in the sun light that was bursting through his bedroom window, Simon and I both leaned in slightly but was stopped by Josh's voice calling me from downstairs
"Sav there's pizza down here!"
"*cough* Coming!" I replied as I stood up from the desk chair and walked passed Simon who just stood staring at me as I walked past him
"You coming?" I asked as I stood by the frame of his door way
"In a bit." He smiled at me I smiled back and shrugged my shoulders as I made my way down the stairs to get pizza from the kitchen, I then went into the living room and talked with the boys and laughed with all of them about stupid things they had all done together and I told them some embarrassing things about Josh and vise versa.

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