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*Josh, Savanna, Simon and Harry joined the group chat*

Josh: have you found a flat yet? Because it's been two months Sav.

Savanna: Yeah I found one ages ago, and I've moved into it.

Simon: cool so where are you living now?

Savanna: have a guess 😉

Harry: California

Savanna: nope

Josh: Florida

Savanna: no

Simon: NYC

Savanna: nope

Josh: we give up Savanna

Harry: I haven't given up yet

Josh: yes you have Harry we all have otherwise this is going to take too long.

Savanna: do you want me to tell you?

Simon: that would help so yes please.

Savanna: London!

Josh: 😳😱 you're joking right?

Savanna: nope I've been living here for a while now I just didn't have the time to tell you all as I've been busy unpacking and decorating the place.

Simon: you need to let us come and see you, and you need to come and see us Savi.

Savanna: yeah that'll be nice 😊

*JJ, Tobi, Vik and Ethan joined the group chat*

JJ: Savanna I just read all the messages I can't believe you're in London now, yay!!!

Vik: me either!

Savanna: 😂😂😂

Tobi: so pleased for you Sav, I know I'm completely changing the subject but can I add Cal and Cal to the group?

Josh: yeah I don't see the problem.

Simon: sure


Tobi: Why not JJ?

JJ: Because Cal will start hitting on Savanna and take her away from me😭

Simon: Jesus Christ Jide

*Tobi added Callux and Calfreezy to the group chat*

Callux: sup bitches

Calfreezy: hi 👋🏻

Savanna: heya

Callux: whoa who is the girl?

Josh: that's Savanna she's been my friend for years.

Calfreezy: then why haven't we heard of her before this?

Savanna: that doesn't matter.

Calfreezy: what do you look like?

Ethan: oh here we go 🙄

Calfreezy: what I'm just showing in interest I'd actually like to know who I'm talking to you know.

Calfreezy: what I'm just showing in interest I'd actually like to know who I'm talking to you know

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Callux: you're cute 😊

Calfreezy: Mate she's better than cute she's fucking gorgeous😭😭❤️❤️💯💯

Callux: well I only said cute because I have a girlfriend you know

Simon: back off Cal I saw her first

Calfreezy: fight me for her Simon, I don't know why she would want to go out with a lanky twat like you

Simon: could say the same thing about you.

Savanna: fucking stop! I've only just come out of a relationship I don't want another and especially with a boy who thinks I'm an object 😭😭

Simon: Savi I'm sorry

Savanna: don't talk to me Simon.

*Savanna left the group chat*

Josh: what have you done Simon?

Ethan: him and Calfreezy were being petty and stupid and were fighting over Savanna and she got upset, she's left the chat and now doesn't want to speak to Simon.

Josh: Simon you are such an utter twat sometimes😡😡

Simon: can you speak to her for me josh?

Josh: no I'm not you need to sort this out your self.

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