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While I was round Josh's and it was about two o'clock and we were all so bored we didn't know what to do for the rest of the day.
"Someone think of something to do I'm bored!" I whined to them
"Sames, we could go and play some football where we usually play it?" Harry suggested
"I mean we've already been there to film videos of our channels but it's up to Sav she can decide if we go there or not." Josh said to us all
"Come on let's go I want to see how good you actually all out at football." I said as I stood up from the sofa getting ready to leave the house to play football
"I'll get the balls and I'll meet you in the car." JJ said to us all, I nodded to him and then turned to Tobi
"What about Simon?" I asked him
"I don't know, you can go and see him if you want and ask if he wants to come." Tobi smiled to me as him and the rest of the boys walked to their cars.
I walked up the stairs and got to Simon's room, I knocked lightly and waiting for him to say that I could come in, I waited for a few seconds before I could come in and when I did I saw Simon editing some videos so I walked over to him.
"Simon we're all going to play football I just wondered if you wanted to come or not?" I asked him just as he was about to reply he got a text on his phone and his lock screen came up I got a quick glance at it and I saw that it was me, Simon saw that I saw and we exchanged awkward looks.

"Look don't worry about it just finish editing your videos." I said quickly I didn't give him a chance to reply I was out of that room straight after I said that to him, I stood outside of his door for a a few seconds trying to process why he had me as his lock screen. It was a bit weird since we have only met twice but in a weird way it was quite cute, while thinking about it I smiled and laughed a little before I walked some the stairs and out of the house I got into Josh's car which also had Harry, JJ and Tobi in, I sat in the back with Harry and Tobi while JJ sat upfront with Josh. I got out my phone and started to talk to Harry about what I saw as I needed to tell someone about the whole thing.

*Private messages between Savanna and Harry*

Savanna: Harry can ask you a question?

Harry: Sure what's up?

Savanna: when I went into Simon's room to see if he wanted to come and play football with his I walked over to his desk which is where he was while editing a video, when I asked him he was about to reply but a text then came up on his phone and I saw his lock screen and it was a picture of me that I sent to the group. I quickly and awkwardly left the room and was slightly confused as to why I am his lock screen.

Harry: Yeah that is a bit weird actually, did Simon explain why you were is background?

Savanna: I didn't give him the chance to I just left the his room and left the house and got straight into the car.

Harry: I really don't know what to say apart from either confront him about it or just ignore it and act like you didn't see it and get him to explain it to you.

Savanna: I'll do the second one I just want to forget about it, thanks Harry.

Harry: No problem.

When I stopped talking to Harry about the situation we had arrived at the football cage so we all got out of the car and walk through the gate while Josh went to the back of the car to get the footballs for us to play with.
"Are you any good Sav?" Ethan asked me
"Am I any good? Well considering I taught Josh all of his moves I would say that I'm pretty decent." I smirked at Ethan as I took a run up and hit the cross bar first time, the boys were all shocked whereas Josh was just smiling at me and laughing at the rest of the boy. We all played a few games after a while I decided to sit out and just take a few minutes to catch my breathe, while I was doing that I looked at my phone and saw that I had a message from Simon from about half an hour ago I didn't reply because when I looked towards the gate I saw him walk through, we made eye contact but it was pretty awkward so I just looked away and went back on my phone.
"Simon!" JJ shouted excitedly
"Hey." He said quickly
"Are you coming to play?" Vik asked
"In a minute I need to speak to Sav." When he said that I looked up from my phone and looked at him then at Harry who had the same facial expression that I did. Simon walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"I  take it you saw my phone." He said, I nodded in response to him and he just sighed and then started to laugh a little
"It's not what you think, JJ and I were doing dares and mine was to have you as my background for three days, I don't fancy you or anything don't worry about that." He smiled at me
"Thank god! I didn't want things to be awkward between us." I laughed a little
"It's fine don't worry about it."
"Good, now if you'll excuse me I need to beat the living shit out of JJ." I said seriously, Simon laughed at me "JJ you're dead!" I shout as I stand up
"Run JJ!" Simon shouted at him. JJ started to run away but I was too fast for him so when I caught up to him I jumped onto his back and kicked him in the back of his legs and they buckled and he fell to the floor.
"What the hell have I done?" He asked
"You know, the dare." I said, JJ looked guilty and started to laugh a little
"Aw did you think that Simon actually liked you?" He asked me
"No course not!" I said back
"Oh my god you did!" He shouted
"No I didn't!"I snapped back, I then got off of JJ's back and walked away from them all,
"Where are you going Sav?" Harry shouted
"Home." I replied bluntly, I then walked down the road to get back to Josh's house so I could get in my car and drive home, while I was walking I looked back and saw all of the boys especially Simon and Josh shouting at JJ for upsetting me.

When I got back I got into my car and started to hit the steering wheel in anger, I then sighed heavily and started the car and drove past the boy's house to see them getting out of their cars Josh made eye contact with and I gave him a faint smile but just carried on driving home.

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