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*Savanna joined the group chat*

Savanna: Heya 👋🏻👋🏻

Tobi: Hey Sav you okay?

Savanna: I'm good thanks you?

Tobi: I'm fine, Do you know why Simon was moody all of last night?

*Josh and Harry joined the group chat*

Harry: hiiiiiiii

Josh: hey

Savanna: We got into an argument last night that might be why he's grumpy

Josh: What did you argue over?

Savanna: His ex, I guess I got jealous that he was spending the night with her watching the Notebook together.

Harry: The Notebook? That's the most romantic film out there

Savanna: That's exactly what I said but apparently to him it doesn't matter, I don't even know if I'm going on that date with him anymore 😕

Tobi: Well Simon is an idiot if he's letting April back into his life, he must've fallen for her tricks again.

Savanna: What do you mean again?

Josh: Simon and April have dated about five times, each time she comes up with another excuse and normally it's 'Simon I love you please can we start again my life is incomplete without you with me' and he always falls for it she is his personal drug and he can't just get enough of her.

Savanna: So what do I need to do? I don't want to ruin a friendship and I do want to go on that date but I don't know how to show him that I like him.😓😕

Harry: We can all help you if you want?

Savanna: That would be amazing! But if we're going to do this we can't do it over this group chat because Simon will see it all.

Tobi: Well you can all come to mine and we can organise and talk about it all at mine,

Josh: Great idea Tobi, we'll see you soon.

Savanna: Thanks Tobi.

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