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*Savanna joined the group chat*

Josh: you're back! 😊😂

Savanna: Yeah, don't bother coming to meet the BF and I in NYC

Josh: why not?

Savanna: we broke up, just now, turns out he was cheating on me for three months with his receptionist, but it doesn't matter..

* JJ, Simon and Harry joined the group chat*

Harry: what's happening guys?!

Josh: not now Harry

Simon: what's up?

Savanna: just read my last message I don't really want to explain it all again.

JJ: that's so harsh, I'm so sorry Sav but hey just thought I'd let you know I'd never treat you like that.

Josh: too soon JJ, Too soon 🙄

Savanna: no it's okay, I needed to laugh thanks JJ and I know you wouldn't treat me like that you're too nice to be an absolute dick.

Simon: so what's going to happen now? Do you live with him?

Savanna: yeah I do, so I'm moving out tomorrow but I need to find a place to live.

Harry: come to England you can live with one of us, we'll look after you 😊❤️

Savanna: thanks Harry but I think I might stay in NYC I haven't really decided yet.

Simon: well if you do decide to move to the UK just message us and I'm sure we can give you a room to stay in. ❤️

Savanna: thanks Simon, means a lot that you all care.

Josh: no problem, I've got to go I'm recording a video but I'll speak to you later Savanna and we can sort all of this out for you.😊

Savanna: okay and thanks Josh speak to you later.

*Josh left the group chat*

*Vik, Tobi and Ethan joined the group chat*

Vik: Savanna I just read the messages I'm so sorry 😔

Savanna: thanks Vik but I'm okay I kinda had an idea that it was happening I just didn't want to believe it tbh.

Tobi: nobody should be treated like that, especially you Sav.

Savanna: you've all only known me a few days why are you all being so nice to me? It's not like I was actually nice to you all.

Ethan: but you're our friend, friends are supposed to be there for each other no matter what.

Simon: *barf* 🤢🤢

Savanna: way to ruin the moment Simon.

Simon: sorry but I didn't think that this was a cheesy chick movie.

JJ: don't be so heartless Simon, just because you can't get a girlfriend doesn't mean you need to ruin people with stupid comments, Savanna needs us right now and all you can do is make jokes about it.

Savanna: JJ it's fine I'm okay I'm not offended by it.

Tobi: yeah JJ I think you are overreacting just a little bit mate.

JJ: whatever I'm out seeya

Vik: come on Jide don't take it to heart.

*JJ has left the group chat*

Simon: well shit.

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