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When I got up the next day I was going to see Josh, Harry and Tobi because they were going to help me plan a surprise for Simon so I could show him how much I like him, I was quite tired because I had spent most of the night talking to the boys trying to come up with ideas of what I could do for Simon and so far none of them seemed right or special enough for him. I put my phone on charge while I went into the bathroom to wash my face I then went downstairs to have some breakfast which was just a bowl of cereal, I then went back upstairs and got out some clothes to wear.

 I put my phone on charge while I went into the bathroom to wash my face I then went downstairs to have some breakfast which was just a bowl of cereal, I then went back upstairs and got out some clothes to wear

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I then did my makeup and grabbed my phone, car and house keys I then put  both my phone and house keys into my bag after locking up the house. I then got into my car and drove to Tobi's flat so we could come up with some better ideas for my date with Simon. I got to Tobi's just as Josh was turning up so we walked into the flat together to be greeted with a smile and a wave from both Harry and Tobi, I walked over to the two boys and sat down on the sofa suddenly Josh smirked at me and I was slightly confused as to why he was,
"What have you done?" I asked Josh
"What do you mean?" He asked me
"That's your mischief smile Josh so tell me what you have done." I replied, Josh then reached into his back pocket and pulled out an iPhone and again I was really confused why he was showing me this but as soon as Harry and Tobi saw it they were shocked
"Is that?-" Harry and Tobi asked at the same time
"Yeah it is." Josh smiled at them both
"What is it?" I asked them all
"It's Simons phone." Harry said
"Why do you have his phone?"
"So he can't plan anything in advance because Savanna you are going to have this date tonight and I already know what you are going to do for it." Josh smiled at me I smiled back at them all but with a bit of caution to it.

"So are you going to tell me where I am supposed to be having this date?" I asked Josh as he and the two boys sat down on the sofa as well
"This isn't just a surprise for Simon it's also going to be one for you, I've already got it sorted all you need to do is come back here at three and I'll drive you to where the date is."
"What about Simon? How is he going to get to the destination?" I asked
"Harry and Tobi will take him, I want you to buy a dress and I can sort out the rest of the date." Josh smiled
"Should I be worried?" I asked him
"You ask a lot of questions, but no it will be fine I promise you. When have I ever broken one of our promises?" Josh asked and I instantly felt horrible because the last time he broke a promise was when he said that he would come back and see me and he never did.
"When you left me." I mumbled to myself
"What?" Josh asked as he clearly didn't hear me
"I said when you left me." I said a little bit louder this time so that he could actually hear what I said to him
"Well right now that doesn't matter, okay the time is half past twelve that means you have two and a half hours to find a dress for tonight so you better leave and go shopping." Josh smiled, I just left the flat while rolling my eyes at him as I walked out of the flat and got to my car, I was about to get in when I saw Simon walking towards Tobi's, in hope that he didn't see me I just got into my car and drove away and to the nearest shopping centre to look for a whole new outfit like Josh told me to do.

I got into my car and got out my phone and decided to ring my sister Lucy she also lived in London and we were pretty close and I didn't really want to shop for dresses on my own I would need a second opinion so that's why I want her to come with me as well.
"Lucy are you busy?" I asked her
"No not at all why what's wrong?"
"I'm going dress shopping and I need a second opinion so I wondered if you could come with me?" I asked her
"Yeah sure, can I bring Sunny?"
"Yeah course, meet me outside of the shopping centre and we can do the shopping." I smiled to myself
"Okay see you soon bye." Lucy said I then replied back with a bye and then put my phone back into my bag and left Tobi's flat and drove to the shopping centre to get a dress for tonight. It didn't take me very long to get there so I went into the car park and parked up my car and took the stairs to the outside of the shopping centre where Lucy and Sunny were already waiting for me.
"Saviii!" Sunny called, I smiled at her and she came running up to me with a smile on her face so I picked her up and have her a tight hug, Sunny was my niece Lucy wasn't that much older than me and she had Sunny quite young. Sunny was four years old and Lucy had her at eighteen so she was quite young but still an adult.
I put Sunny down and took hold of her hand as she adjusted the straps on her little ladybird backpack, we then walked back over to Lucy and into the shopping centre where were now going to look for a dress for me to wear tonight.

(*Time Skip*)

"So where is your date going to be then?" Lucy asked as she gave Sunny a cookie to eat
"I don't know, it's a surprise for both of us." I replied back to Lucy
"What do you mean?"
"Well I wanted to do something special for Simon but I couldn't think what I could do so I asked his friends, oh and you remember Josh? Well he's one of Simon's friends and we are all good now but getting back to the story Josh decided that he would help so he has organised the whole thing but it's going to be a surprise for both Simon and I so I don't exactly what kind of dress to get. I don't know if I should go casual or I need to get a posh one." I said as we walked past some shoe shops
"Well it's a good job that I'm here then." Lucy smiled she then walked quickly over to this white two floored shop, Sunny and I were running quickly to keep up with her
"Okay lets get started!" Lucy smiled brightly at me as we went up the stairs to the second floor where all the dresses were kept. It felt like we had been dressing shopping for years and all the ones that Lucy found just weren't the kind I would wear but I never usually wore dresses so this was all new to me. I was about to give up and just go with a dress I had in my wardrobe when I found one in the corner of my eye, I walked over to the rack and pulled it out and then grabbed a jacket to go with it and some black shoes.
"We're done I've found one." I said happily, Lucy smiled and sighed with relief as we paid for the dress and left the shop, I said goodbye to Sunny and said that I would come and see her soon I then got into my car and drove home to get ready because it was one o'clock.

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