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*Private messages between Savanna and Joe*

Savanna: Hey Joe it's Savanna, I completely forgot I had your number until I found it in my back pocket I hope you don't think that I blew you off because I didn't.

Joe: Don't worry about it, I was wondering how long it would take you to call or text but now you have

Savanna: Yeah sorry about that 😕 how are you anyway?

Joe: I'm good thanks you?

Savanna: I'm feeling a lot better now

Joe: What was wrong before if you don't mind me asking?

Savanna: It's fine, I had an argument with my friend. Him me and our friends our in a group chat together and our friend Tobi wanted to add two of  their friends into the group chat and when one of the friends Cal, saw that I was in it he wanted to know what I looked like so I put a picture of myself in the group chat for him to see and well he complimented me and it felt good right up until the moment my friend Simon started to get defensive and they were arguing over me like I was an object and that upset me and I argued with Simon about it but we're okay now.

Joe: oh wow, well that was certainly eventful for you 😂

Savanna: sorry you're probably bored, tell me about yourself like what you do and your hobbies.

Joe: I work in Youtube I am a YouTuber which is where I make videos for my fans and share the vast majority of my life with them, before I did that I was actually I roof thatcher and that's when I started YouTube, it was more of a hobby at the time and when I realised that I was doing fairly well with my following on it I decided that I wanted to do it full time.

Savanna: oh cool, the friends that I was talking about earlier they are YouTubers as well and they do fairly well with what they do.

Joe: wow who are you're friends if you don't mind me asking?

Savanna: Josh Bradley, Tobi Brown, Harry Lewis, Vik Barn, Ethan Payne, Simon Minter and JJ Olatunji.

Joe: oh wow! 😳

Savanna: what's wrong?

Joe: nothing's wrong it's just that they are my friends as well all of them are like my closest friends.

Savanna: oh that's cool, I've known Josh the longest out of all of them I helped him with YouTube and as soon as it all took off for him he just ditched me and we drifted apart but it's all good now I couldn't be happier.

Joe: oh that's cool, I didn't ask what do you do?

Savanna: well I work in the local cafe shop in London I do skateboarding when I can and I also take 'artsy' pictures when I have the time too when I'm not working but I do try and do both a lot of the time.

Joe: this is just crazy you are like the girl of my dreams I do skateboard and I take pictures 😂😉

Savanna: that is so cheesy Joe😂

Joe: sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable

Savanna: don't worry about it, I think it's cute 😉

Joe: we should meet up at some point and hang out together and do some skateboarding and take pictures together.

Savanna: definitely I would love to do that! Just text me and we can organise something when I'm not working.

Joe: I would love that 😆

Savanna: cool, well I'm going go but  I'll speak later at some point and we can organise the details when to meet up.

Joe: okay see you soon 😉

Savanna: bye Joe 😉

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