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I had my homework spread on my bed when my phone started ringing, Auston's picture appearing on my screen.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Nat." he says. I can hear the buzzing of an engine and instantly know he's in his car.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Are you busy?"

"I'm doing homework." I say, knowing he was going to ask me to hang out.

"Okay, I'm coming by." he says, and I can almost hear him laughing.

"... why?" I question.

"I want lunch, Nat." he says as if it's obvious.

"Why do you need me?" I ask.

"Be there in two." he ignores my question, hanging up the phone, and I groan.

I collect the loose papers on my bed and rush to place them in my folder. I definitely wasn't ready to go out, for I was still wearing my pajamas and no makeup. I quickly put on a sweater and some leggings, sitting in front of my mirror to try and get rid of my eye bags.

I hadn't spent much time with Auston lately, since my main focus has been with Mitch. Just a few Snapchats back and forth with Auston, but we haven't hung out in a few days, let alone even have a full conversation.

Today was my one week anniversary officially with Mitch. He's come by a few times to hang out, but with this being a busy time in school, I haven't had much time to go to his games, or even watch them. It made me feel bad, but both of us understood that the other was busy and obviously wouldn't be up for anything at any time of day. And I was completely okay with it.

True enough, there was a knock at the door just as I finished my mascara. I stand up to open the door, greeted by an impatient looking boy.

"C'mon," he mumbles, nodding his head at me.

"Still don't understand why you needed me to come." I say, grabbing my phone, wallet and a jacket as I followed him out the door and down the stairs.

"I'm not allowed to hang out with my friend?" Auston asks. I spot his car parked right in front of the door, so I get into the passenger seat, Auston running around the side to get into the driver's seat and start driving.

"You are, I'm sorry, I've just been stressed." I sigh.

"It's okay." he says, reaching over and rubbing my thigh comfortingly. I give him a look.

"So, uh, what's for lunch?" I ask, looking out the window at the busy hustle of Toronto traffic.

"I'm craving Subway. Is that alright?" he asks.

"Sure." I nod.

"How've you been? How's your week?" he asks me, and I turn back to him.

"Fine. Busy." I say simply, wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you much. Or heard from you." he says, still staring ahead.

"I'm sorry." I sigh, now feeling bad. "Like I said, I've been busy."

"Marns hasn't been home much this week either. You guys have been hanging out a lot, right?" he asks. It sounds innocent enough, as he's still staring ahead, but there's an odd look on his face. Maybe I'm just imagining it.

thin ice // mitch marnerWhere stories live. Discover now