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"Do you want some pizza?" Alex asks me.

"I'm not hungry." I dismiss.

"You should eat, though." he says, but I shake my head.

Somebody yells "Boston's up!" and a collective groan is heard throughout the room. Clearly nobody likes Boston here.

"Don't lay on me, Natalie." Alex mumbles, and I sigh, sitting up.

I take a drink from my cup. "When'd you get so pissy?"

"You have a boyfriend.. You told him you're wth me... You tricked me and now I'm gonna have an angry dude after me." Alex sighs, and I stand up.

"He's not my boyfriend, and he's not like that." I say. I'm quickly growing tired of Alex and his dumb mood swings. Why couldn't he understand anything I was saying?

I walk over to the bar, where Dave and Owen were sitting with some other guys.

"Why so sad, Bandera?" Dave asks me.

"You look like you need a drink." Owen says.

"I'm fine." I say, putting my hand on the bar to steady myself.

"C'mon," he laughs.

"No, I'm gonna be sick," I groan, making my way out of the lounge to the washroom that was right outside.

I try and puke in the toilet, but only a bit comes out, so I wash out my mouth and leave. I found the boys still seated at the bar, so I tapped on Dave.

"Pass me that cup." I groaned, pointing to a full shot glass behind him.

He smiled, handing it to me, and I quickly downed it. It was sour, and tasted terrible. I then went over to the snack table, grabbing a few chips to drown out that awful drink.

I walk back over to Alex and Anna, surprised to find their lips attached. "Hello..." I say, standing in front of them. The two break apart immediately, and I take my seat between them.

I look at Alex, confused. "Was she not just kissing your roommate?" I ask him.

"Now she was kissing me." he says as if it was obvious.

I sigh, spreading my legs over his lap tiredly. "I'm gonna rest a bit." I say to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Okay." he mumbles, sliding his arm around me.

I close my eyes, stuck in a stage between resting and sleeping. It felt good to simply rest like this.

I tried to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach from everything I drank. Drinking that much was probably not too good of an idea. Maybe resting would sober me up enough before Mitch came?

After some time, I feel a nudge on my side, opening my eyes immediately. I look to where it came from, Anna, and she nods her head towards something. I follow her gaze, seeing the pair of eyes staring back at me. Mitch.

I swing my legs back over Alex, and he takes his arm away immediately. Mitch makes his way to us, and I smile, lifting myself up.

"Mitch!" I squeal, wrapping my arms around him. Fuck. Still drunk.

He hugs me back lightly, but he stops my head in place. "Don't kiss me in public, Nat." he mumbles. I let him go.

"I might be tipsy, but fuck, you're Mitch Marner, right?" Alex's eyes widen as he stares up at Mitch.

"Yeah." he answers.

"And you're the one who Natalie's dating?" Alex asks, still looking shocked.

thin ice // mitch marnerWhere stories live. Discover now