Chapter 40

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Bella's P.O.V.

I wake up and see that the bed we were sleeping on, more like I slept on, was completely destroyed. The feathers that made up part of the bed was everywhere, the bed frame was in pieces on the floor, and the bed itself was on the floor and not on the actual bed frame. I look to my left and see that Emmett is already looking at me with a satisfied smile on his face. I lean up and kiss him softly and then turn to my right to see Rose with the same smile on her face. I lean over and kiss her softly as well.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom with a little wince. We were alittle rough last night to say the least. After all we did break the bed frame and killed the bed that we used.

I turn on the shower and quickly take one and put on some shorts that weren't as short as yesterday's and a flannel button up with my sleeves rolled up. To finish off my look I put on my favorite sun glasses and styled my hair that sets off the whole look. I then take off my sunglasses and hang them on my shirt and walk out of the bathroom.

I can't remember if I ever told you this but I have short hair. I like to keep it short so that my wolfs fur won't be super long. On one side it's basically shaved and the rest of it is flipped over to the other side to do as I wish.

Anyway I walk out of the bathroom and see that my mates are dressed and ready for the day. I sit in a chair and put on my converse shoes and grab their hands and we walk down the stairs to the kitchen where my breakfast is. I can't wait till we go out and hunt because I'm needing some blood. I sit down and wolf down some food and stand up to head outside.

"Okay let's go and start training and the others should be here soon. After they arrive we will all go out and hunt because I can feel myself needing it so I know that it is ten times worse for all of you. Lets work hard and show them that we are made of something when they get here. I am super proud of you all no matter what happens when they arrive. They have had a lot more time to train than we have so don't be upset if they are better. So let's get this day over with so we can go hunt." I say and we all go outside and begin training.

Day 3

I stand in my spot and listen to everything that's going on. I'm not going to surprise attack anyone today if I don't absolutely think that they aren't prepared. I watch them today instead of turning my back to them.

Edward is easily beating people in his family. Alice has always been good but she's even alittle better. Esme is a surprise altogether and when they see her they won't think she's a threat. Carlisle isn't the best but he is still a great fighter. Jasper is as good as he was and a great fighter altogether. Renee is of course good, she was trained by the Volturi so she knows what she's doing. Charlie is a great trainer and fighter in general. Emmett and Rosalie are good and it doesn't matter what happens in going to be worried about them.

I guess I zoned out because before I knew it I was being tackled to the ground and and being put into a killing hold. I grow slack and when they loosen their hold I go into attack mode. I flip myself over and grab the persons arms and pin them above their head with one hand and wrap my other arm around the persons neck and apply pressure. I finally look at the person and see that it's Alice.

I let go of her and see her with a slight frown on her face.

"Man I thought I had you that time." She says and gets up after I let her go.

"Better luck next time." I say and stand back up. I brush myself off and start looking around. I hear many cars coming in our direction so I head over to the driveway to meet my grandpas.

They pull up into the driveway with five more cars behind them and I hear a few running in the woods. As soon as the cars turned off I'm engulfed in a hug by my grandpas. I hug them back and then pull away from them when I feel eyes on us. I look around and see all of the Volturi guards looking at me. I take a step back and look at them all. There are about thirty of them in total.

"Hi it is nice to meet you all. I know that none of you know me and I'll introduce myself. I'm Isabella Maria Swan but you can call me Bella. While you stay here you will respect the wishes of my family and if your going to have a problem with that I ask kindly that you leave now before we even get acquainted. Do not underestimate me because I will surprise you. Now I am the leader of my family but this is Carlisle and Esme's house so please respect them because they don't have to be this generous. The battle is to take place tomorrow sometime so I expect everyone to train with us. I would appreciate if your best fighters would help us train as well while we help you all out as well. Do not intentionally hurt each other and be a good sport. Sometime tonight we will all go hunt and eat more than normal so that we have plenty of strength. Now it is up to Carlisle and Esme as to where you eat at or like I like to say hunt. Now is there any questions?" I ask.

I look at them all and I see a few smirk. I smirk back and I know what I'm going to do.

"Okay the four of you that just smirked please step forward." I say and they are still smirking but step forward. "Now I want you four to try and beat me in a fight. Yes all four of you at once against me." I say and see their smirks grow bigger.

They nod their heads and get ready to attack me as I stand there with a smirk on my face. I push my sunglasses on and motion for them to come at me. They instantly came at me and then I knocked them all down by tripping them. They growl at me and I keep my smirk on my face.

"Now I said attack me so why are you on the ground?" I ask with the smirk still on my face.

They lunge at me and I take two of them in my arms and the other two I locked their heads into a choke hold with my legs and have them all down in an instant. I hold them for a minute then let them go. I stand up and turn my back to them when suddenly something hits me in the face. I growl loudly and turn back around to see the one that punched me in the face.

I stood at my full height and leaned down so that I was in their face. "What is your name?" I ask.

"It's nun ya, nunya business." They reply.

"You will not disrespect me. I will ask nicely one more time before I do something that you won't like." I say.

"I'm so scared. I'm shaking." They mock me.

I pick them up by their neck with one hand and bring them face to face with me. "I will give you this one last chance and if I were you I would accept it because I'm about to kill you here on the spot so answer wisely." I threaten them.

"My n-name is Andre." He says.

I set him down and look to the others. "You will not disrespect me anymore. I don't take kindly to that. Now let's all get to work on training." I say and they nod their heads. "Okay then get busy and split off into groups. If you want to leave I would do so now." I say and head into the house to clean my face.

I walk to the bathroom and wipe the blood off my nose and quickly head back outside. I walk over to my grandpas and hug them once again.

"Thank you for coming and helping us out. Sorry I was mean to Andre earlier." I say to them.

"We'd do anything for you. Also don't worry about what you did to Andre he deserved it. I was about to kill him myself." Caius says. I see Aro and Marcus nod their heads in agreement.

"Well I need to go and listen to everything and also keep watch. I'll talk to you all later and thanks again." I say and walk over to my spot.

I turn towards everyone and notice that everyone seems to be getting along with everyone pretty well so I put my sunglasses back on and turn towards the forest to keep watch and listen for anything weird.

This battle should be super easy.

There we go. I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night.

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