Chapter 23 [Edited]

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"What?" I asked, as I looked up from my paperwork.

"Cragen is in a coma." Amanda breathed, and I ran my hands through my hair and swallowed hard.

"What happened?" I asked.

"A brain bleed or something. Dodds is gonna meet you down there."


I walked towards where Chief Dodds was standing.

"How's Don?" I asked.

"Liv-" Dodds started, but I shook my head.

"No." I whimpered, as I stumbled backward. He grabbed my arms as tears poured down my cheeks.

"He was too sick, Liv. I'm sorry." He breathed, and I broke down into sobs. I quickly turned away as my body started to shake.

"Olivia, do you want to go see Elliot? You can take the rest of the day off." He spoke, and I bit my lip hard.

"Yes, sir. But I'll be back to work soon."


After seeing Elliot, and having to break the news of Cragen's death, I went back to the precinct. Dodds was waiting near my office, and the crew was inside.

"Are you going to make me break the news?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, I am. But I want you there with them." He stated, and I sighed. I followed Dodds into my office, where the crew was. 

"Liv, why are we here?" Fin asked as I looked at my crew. 

"Captain Cragen passed away this afternoon." I breathed, and everyone just stared at me.

"Why are you pulling our legs? This isn't funny." Nick spoke, and I ran my hands through my hair before speaking again.

"I'm not joking around with you. Don passed away this morning." I spoke, and I watched as the crew fell apart. Everyone, even Fin and Nick started to cry.

"No," Fin spoke, before quickly leaving. I watched as Nick left too, and I grabbed Amanda and hugged her as we both cried like babies.

"How did this happen? Everything was so good. Maya was finally healthy. I am happy. You are happy. Then Cragen had to die." Amanda whimpered, and I wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Come on. Let's go get cleaned up." I spoke, not wanting to discuss this anymore.


With Cragen not coming back, when Munch and Elliot got out of the hospital, Dodds had to figure out who he wanted to run SVU. Munch had been here longer than Elliot and me, but he was even more destroyed than we were regarding Cragen's death.

"Liv, Elliot, and John. Can you come here?" Dodds asked as he entered the squad room. We all stood, and walked into an interview room. 

"So, I've made my decision. Declan is going undercover again, and I believe that Liv, you should go back to be CO." Dodds spoke, and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Sir, Elliot and John have been here longer than I have," I stated, and he nodded.

"I know that, but when you were CO, this unit ran very well." He replied, and I nodded.

"Liv, just take it babe. You deserve it." Elliot smiled, as he adjusted his glasses. He had lost a lot more of his vision when the explosion occurred. I looked at John, who was frowning.

"John? I won't take this if you don't feel comfortable with me." I stated.

"No. Chief Dodds, I'm retiring." John breathed, and Elliot and I quickly looked at John.

"What?" Elliot questioned.

"I can't work here anymore. It isn't the same since Don died. I want to retire and just live." John spoke, and Dodds nodded.

"Of course. Come with me. We'll get this going."


After John left, the crew is now as follows: Amanda, Nick, Fin, Elliot, Carisi, and Fin's former partner Chester Lake.

Getting Chester and Carisi either started or coming back into the sex crime scene was harder than I had expected. Both weren't as caring and gentle as I needed.

"Alright, Rollins and Fin head out to St. Joseph's," I spoke, coming out of my office.

"Got a vic, Sarge?" Chris asked as he stood up.

"Yes, but I want the rest of you to stay here and fill out your paperwork," I stated, as he looked at me.

"Sarge, why? It can wait." He stated, and I saw Elliot and Nick try to stifle their laughter.

"Carisi, I've been letting the paperwork get out of hand. Do it, then when Amanda and Fin get back, we will all work the case." I stated, and he sat down, as I looked at Nick and Elliot.

"Nick and Stabler, get in my office, now."

They followed me in, and I shut the door behind them. I walked behind them and slapped them upside their heads.

"Thanks for the support, guys." I groaned, and Elliot and Nick let their laughter out. I sighed and squeezed the bridge of my nose.

"Sorry, babe. Carisi is a newbie. It's gonna take a bit to make him as amazing as us." Elliot stated.

"Yeah, Liv. Maybe Elliot or I should be his partner." Nick spoke, and I looked at them with wide eyes, making them laugh again.

"Alright." I sighed, and Elliot called 'dibs'.



"Carisi what are you still doing here?" I asked, as I walked out of my office. He stood and pulled his jacket on.

"I wanted to talk to you, Sarge. Can I walk you to your car?" He asked, and I nodded slowly.

We walked in silence for a few minutes, before he spoke.

"Do you not like me?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Sonny, you are a good detective, but I'm having a hard time seeing you as a sex crimes detective," I replied, and he frowned.

"I really like it here. I think if you gave me more of a chance, I could show you how good I am." He replied.

"Sonny, I'm not giving up on you. You are still going to be in my unit, but be prepared, if you make some big mistakes I'm kicking your ass to the curb. Now, here's my car. I'll see you tomorrow."


I drove home and went into our house. Elliot and the kids were sleeping on the couch. I smiled and took off my jacket and shoes, before walking over and sitting down next to them. I needed this little bit of time with my family. They may be asleep, but after the hellish few months, this was exactly what I need.

The Return~A Bensler Fan Fic~ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now