Chapter 21 [Edited]

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"Who the hell is coming after me?" I swore as I paced the squad room. The kids were with Maureen again, but with a protective detail with them at all times.

"Well, what enemies have you made, Benson?" Tucker asked as he sat at Fin's desk, watching me as I paced. Munch was slowly drinking coffee, but not really paying attention to his drink.

"I don't know! James is dead, and I don't know if he had a girlfriend or someone who wants me dead." I frowned, as Tucker sighed and stood.

"Okay, this is what you guys are gonna do. Go through every case file that has been dealt with by this unit. Once you have, make sure all loose ends have been tied up." He spoke, before gathering his stuff.

"Ed, are you fucking kidding me? You are going to make us go through HUNDREDS of cases, and you are going to go to sleep?" Munch swore, getting angrier than I had ever seen him.

"John, I'm going to get you more help. So calm down." Tucker replied. He squeezed my shoulder as he walked past me, and left the squad room. I looked at John, who looked beyond exhausted.

"John, go get some sleep. I'll start working on our newest assignment." I spoke, and he shook his head.

"No. We are going to find the person who you fucking pissed off." He hissed, and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"I didn't mean for this to happen." I breathed, and he laughed.

"If you wouldn't get so damn attached to cases, and if you weren't such a fucking bitch to some people, OUR WHOLE DAMN CREW WOULDN'T BE ALMOST DEAD." He spoke, screaming the last part. I ran my hands through my hair and then slammed my fists onto the desk and stared at him with anger in my eyes.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK I WANT MY ONLY FAMILY TO ALMOST BE KILLED? DO YOU THINK THAT I WANT TO LOSE MY HUSBAND?" I screamed, before storming towards the locker room, needing space.


"Liv." Munch breathed, as he walked into the locker room. I was sitting, staring at my bloody knuckles.

"John, go away," I spoke, as he shook his head.

"No, we aren't doing this. We need each other." Munch replied.

"What we need, is to stay away from each other. If you are around me, soon you'll be laying in the hospital with the rest of them. I'm toxic, and I'm causing so much pain to them." I breathed, as he shook his head. 

He sighed as he sat down, and took a t-shirt from his locker, and gently dabbed at the blood on my knuckles.

"Elliot, and frankly everyone else would kill me if I just let you deal with this yourself. We need to stick together, or we will never be able to find the bastard who is after you."

"Bait." I breathed, and he stared at me.


"I need to use myself as bait. If I do that, then they'll come after me, and either they kill me, or I kill them."

"You aren't going to put your life on the line!" He exclaimed, and I shook my head.

"No, John. I can't just ignore this. What happens if the next time, more people get hurt, or even die?" I asked.

"It won't, alright. Think about the kids. Do you really want them growing up without you?"

"They walked in on the bloody scene meant for me. They are better off." I stated as he frowned deeply.

"We'll get this bastard."


Munch, Tucker, myself, and a few other detectives worked the whole damn night. We had to work through over 200 cases, and by the time we were done, we weren't any closer to finding the person who wanted me dead.

"I'm gonna go get breakfast," Munch spoke, and Tucker nodded.

"Alright, take your gun," Tucker spoke.

"Okay, Mom."

I let out a forced laugh, before laying my head down on my desk and letting out a noisy yawn.

"Benson, go get some sleep," Tucker spoke, and I shook my head.

"I'm fine. I just need more coffee." I replied, before getting up and heading to the coffee pot. I poured myself some more coffee, before sitting back down at my desk, and drinking it slowly.

"Ed, what if we don't find whoever is targeting me?" I asked.

"We will send you and your family away under new identities," He replied, as I bit my lip and ran my hand over my neck.

"Good thing that I don't have a large family." I frowned.

"We are gonna find him." He spoke, as he yawned.

"Have we went through James' prison records?" I asked, and Tucker shook his head.

"No, I'll go get that." He replied before he got up and left. I hung my head and closed my eyes, trying to doze off for a few moments, but instead, I heard screaming.

I quickly grabbed my gun and squatted behind my desk, and Ed joined me quickly.

"Go slow and get the other detectives." Tucker breathed, and I nodded.

Once getting the other detectives, and leading them back out, we followed Tucker out into the hall. I let out a muffled cry, and I threw all of my police training out the window and ran straight to Munch.

"John, we are calling a bus." I cried, as I put pressure to the bullet wound in his stomach.

"It was a girl." He choked, as Tucker took off his jacket and handed it to me. I quickly put it over the wound and put pressure on it again.

"Age? Skin color? Hair color?" Tucker asked, and Munch swallowed hard, as I heard sirens.

"Younger than Liv. Reddish hair. White." He mumbled, before falling into unconsciousness.

"John, wake up!" I exclaimed, the sadness and pain evident in my voice.

"He's losing a lot of blood." One detective stated, and I stared at him angrily.


"Liv, calm down. I heard the bus. They are going to be up here soon."


I paced the hospital waiting room, needing to know if John is dead or living.

"Liv, sit," Tucker spoke, and I shook my head.

"No." I hissed.

"Family of John Munch?"

The Return~A Bensler Fan Fic~ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now