Chapter 19 [Edited]

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"Matty, come here!" Elliot smiled, as he sat on the ground his arms outstretched to our son. It has been 5 months since the shooting, and everything was as back to normal as possible.

I smiled as I sat at the dining room table, Maya, Ollie, and Eli surrounding me as I tried to teach them their lessons. Elliot and I made the choice to home school our children. I stopped working, but only went in when really needed.

"El, if he doesn't want to walk to you right now, leave him be." I chuckled, as he rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Matty! Don't listen to your Momma. I know you wanna walk to me." Elliot smiled, as the kids laughed.

"You three, get back to work," I spoke, trying not to laugh, but failing horribly.

We finished the lessons for the day, and then I went and made dinner. Elliot came in after a while, and wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my head.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Clearly I'm making dinner, Elliot," I stated, as he chuckled. He pulled me closer and his breath was warm on my neck.

"I love you," He mumbled, as I turned around and looked at him.

"What is wrong?" I asked, and he frowned.

"I just got called into work." 

"This is supposed to be your day off." I frowned.

"I know, but they got a case, and need my help. I'll try to be home later tonight."

I frowned as he kissed my lips gently.

"I'm tired of you having to go in, but then again I know why."

"You are still part of the business, Liv. Even if you left." He stated, and I nodded slowly.

"Say goodbye to the kids. I love you." I replied.


I sat in the living room, hoping that Elliot would come home, but instead he didn't come home that night. I gave up and grabbed Matty from his bed, and put him in mine. I cuddled him close, and he went right back to sleep. 

It was about 5 the next morning when I got a call. I sighed and grabbed my phone.

"Yeah." I yawned.

"Mrs.Stabler?" The voice questioned, as I sat up quickly.

"Who is this?"

"I'm a nurse at St. Joseph's. We have Elliot Stabler, Amanda Rollins, and Odafin Tutuola here." She spoke, as my heart started to beat out of my chest.

"What happened?"

"There was a bombing accident."


It took me only five minutes to get all of the kids up and dressed. I needed to get to the hospital. I carried Matty and held Maya's hand, as Eli helped Ollie along. We made it to the nurse's station, and I waited impatiently.

"Alright, how may I help you?" The nurse asked.

"I got a call. My husband, Elliot Stabler is here. I'm also the emergency contact for Amanda Rollins and Odafin Tutuola." I breathed.

"Yes! They all are in the burn unit right now." She spoke.

"What happened to them?" I questioned, and she glanced at the kids as I bit my lip.

"I'll be back." I breathed.

I walked the kids over to a set of chairs, where a bunch of police officers was standing. I looked around, and I saw Munch but no Cragen.

"John!" I cried, and he turned and walked quickly to me. I sat Matty down and quickly hugged him, and he held me close. We parted after a moment and he stared at me.

"Do you know where Don is?" He questioned, panicked.

"N-no." I breathed.

"He was there with them. I can't find him. No one can." He spoke, as I swallowed hard.

"What happened?"

"They were all down by our sedan, and were discussing our case... I went to join them, but then the sedan blew up." He breathed. I ran my hands through my hair as I swallowed hard again.

"Alright, I need to go and talk to Fin, Amanda, and Elliot's doctors. Can you stay with the kids?"

"Uncle Munch to the rescue."


I saw them, but they were so burned and injured that it was hard. Amanda and Fin got the least amount of the explosion. They didn't get hit with as much shrapnel, but Elliot on the other hand was horribly hurt.

I wasn't allowed in with Elliot I could only look at him through a window, but I did get to sit with Amanda and Fin.

"I can't believe this happened." Amanda groaned, and I grabbed her un-bandaged hand and squeezed it gently.

"I'm so sorry, Mandy." I breathed, as she swallowed hard.

"How is El?" She asked, and Fin turned and looked at me, wanting the same answer.

"I'm not allowed to see him. He is really hurt." I mumbled.

"Captain?" Fin mumbled.

"We don't know where he is. Where was he standing?" I replied.

"Closer to Amanda."

"I'm gonna let you two get some rest, and I'll be back soon. Munch is watching the kids, and I need to tell him about Cragen."

I left the room and headed towards the waiting room. Where the hell could Cragen have gone? He was right there with them. He must've been injured in the explosion.

I walked into the waiting room. Maya was sleeping in one chair, while the boys, all three of them, were annoying Munch. I sighed as I walked over to them. I picked up Matty from him and kissed his curls.

"So, C-r-a-g-e-n was standing next to Amanda. We need to find him." I breathed, and he nodded.

"Drop the kids off with Maureen or Kathleen and we can work it together."


Munch and I walked through tons of alleys that night. But it wasn't until we finished one side of the scene, that I realized that we should look on the other side.

I shifted my flashlight in my hand and sighed.

"My arm hurts."

"I'm tired." Munch copied my whine.

"Thanks a lot, John." I chuckled. He smiled and we walked past one alley that didn't have enough hiding spots for an injured man, but as we were about to enter another I heard a deep painful moan.

"Captain Cragen?" I called, and I heard the moan again. John and I ran into the alley, and I sank down in front of our injured Captain, and I touched his cheek gently.

"We are here, Don. Don't worry, you are good now."

The Return~A Bensler Fan Fic~ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now