Chapter 20 [Edited]

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I sat next to Cragen in the alley as Munch called an ambulance. I kept trying to say stuff to keep Cragen awake, but he was groaning from the pain and was barely awake.

"Don, you've gotta stay up. If you stay awake, there is a better chance that you will make a fast recovery. Think about the crew. And what about my kids! They can't lose you, sir. You are like their grandfather." I whimpered, as tears ran down my cheeks.

"Marge." He groaned, and I swallowed hard. What should I say to a man who is half-dead who is moaning his dead wife's name?

"Don, it's Olivia. Come on, open your eyes." I breathed. I heard the sirens in the background, and they got louder as they got closer. Munch came up next to me and squeezed my shoulder, but I shrugged it off, and continued to talk to Cragen.

"Don't leave us. I can't lose you." I whimpered, as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"We aren't going to lose him, Liv. Here is the ambulance."He spoke quickly.


Munch and I sat in the waiting room, waiting for news on our family. The four people that were the only ones who cared about us, all faced death. Yes, Amanda and Fin were doing better than Elliot and Cragen, but that still didn't mean that something couldn't change drastically.

"Family of Elliot Stabler?" A doctor spoke, and Munch and I stood quickly.

"I'm his wife." I breathed, and he nodded.

"Alright, so we had to take your husband into emergency surgery. We had to remove tissue, and fix a deep cut in his heart from the flying glass."

"But he's alive, isn't he?" I breathed, as I crossed my arms tightly over my chest.

"He is. It is going to be an uphill battle, but by the looks of it he should make a great recovery." He replied, and I nodded.

Munch wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I let out a shaky breath.

"John, what if he doesn't recover?" I asked quietly.

"Don't even think about that, Olivia. He is going to recover." He spoke.

"Why does God hate me?" I whimpered, as I walked away from Munch and towards the coffee machine.


Cragen was in surgery for 12 hours. He had been hurt so badly, that they had to put him in a medically induced coma. Elliot was in and out of consciousness, and Amanda and Fin were irritated and hated being in the hospital, while Munch and I were going between the precinct and the hospital.

"What do we got?" I asked, Michael, our forensic scientist.

"Well, the bomb was set off remotely," 

"Was it filled with shrapnel?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yes, nails, glass, blades, and acid," He spoke, as my eyes went wide.

"The bastard filled the damn bomb with acid?" I asked as I started to feel ill.

"Yes. I haven't pinpointed the exact type, but it did cause those chemical burns on the crew," He replied. I frowned and leaned back against the counter.

"Michael, can you tell me where the bomb was set off from? We need to find this guy." 

"I'll send it to our tech guy. I'll have it back to you by tomorrow." He replied.

"Thanks, Michael." I breathed. I left slowly and stopped in the bathroom to wash my face. 

This was too much for me. Everything was.


"Momma, when is Daddy coming home?" Maya asked after I picked them up from Maureen's.

"In a little bit, love. He needs lots of time to recover." I replied as she frowned.

"What if he-" She started, and Ollie screamed.


I turned to look at him, as we walked up the steps to our apartment. I grabbed Ollie and pulled him into my arms and held him as he sobbed.

"Ollie, he isn't going to die." I breathed, as he held me tightly. I looked at the other kids.

"Eli, take the others up to the apartment. Walk slowly so Matty doesn't fall." I breathed, as I handed him the keys to the apartment.

They left me and Ollie on the landing, and I sat back against the wall. He joined me, and I gently rubbed his back as he tried to even his breathing.

"I don't want to not have a Daddy again." He breathed, and I nodded slowly.

"We aren't going to lose him, Oliver,"

"What if we do?" He whimpered.

"Ollie lets not talk about this." I breathed, as he shook his head.

"I'm not a baby anymore, Momma." He frowned.

"You will always be my baby, Ollie. No matter what happens, I'm going to try and keep this all away from you and your siblings."

"No, Momma. I want to know what is happening." He breathed.

"Aunt Amanda, Uncle Fin, Grandpa, and Daddy were all hurt. But they WILL get better." I replied.

"NO." He screamed. He didn't know about the others, and it broke my heart.  I knew that I shouldn't have told him.

"Ollie, come here." I breathed. I held him close again, and he cried himself to sleep. I carried my little boy upstairs, where his siblings were standing outside of the door. I looked at them with confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone was in there, Momma." Eli breathed and looked at them with wide eyes.

"Come with me." I breathed.

I walked them down the hall and to our neighbor's door. I knocked and asked the older lady to watch them for a few minutes, which she gladly agreed to. I grabbed my gun, and walked slowly to my apartment. I opened it and saw the blood covering the floor. Words were written on the wall in blood, and I swallowed hard.

'Stupid Whores Will Die Last'

I bit my lip and frowned deeply. Whoever was doing this was coming after me. I was the target, not the crew. Not my kids. Not just random people. No. Someone was coming after me again.

"I will find you, and I will beat you until you cry for your mother." I hissed before I grabbed my phone and called the police.

The Return~A Bensler Fan Fic~ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now