Chapter 6 [Edited]

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"Marriage?" I questioned, and he nodded.

"I want to marry you." He smiled, and I swallowed hard.

"Elliot, do you really want to force this?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"It isn't a forceful gesture. I really want to marry you, and make a life with you." He replied, and I headed towards his bedroom, and he followed close behind. I shut the door and looked at him.

"Elliot, when we were last married, we fought and everything went down hill. I don't want that again." I breathed.

"Why would we break up?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm still unsure of why we did last time. If we break up, it'll destroy Ollie, and frankly, it would destroy me." I spoke. He reached out and touched my cheek gently.

"Olivia, I'm madly in love with you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to bring more kids, like Ollie, into our marriage. I want to take care of you, the way that I didn't in the past." He breathed, as he pulled me towards him. He placed his forehead to mine, and we just stood in silence.

"Alright." I breathed.

"Alright?" He questioned.

"I want to marry you, El. I love you and I think I'm ready to jump into this. I want us to be a family." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my lips gently, before hugging me tightly.

"Good. I love you too, Liv."


The next morning, we woke up when Ollie climbed into bed, cuddling right into my side and sighing.

"Ollie, what are you doing?" I whispered, hoping to not wake Elliot if he was still sleeping.

"I wanted to sleep with you, Mommy." He spoke sleepily, and I looked over at Elliot, and he smiled.

"Alright. You can sleep in here for a little bit." I breathed, and he nodded as I rubbed his back, and before I knew it he was back asleep. Elliot chuckled quietly and leaned over and kissed me.

"Does he do this often?" Elliot asked, and I nodded.

"He's my only child, so he gets away with a lot." I smiled.

"Not for long." He smiled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just get married then decide where to go from there." I smiled, and he nodded.

"Deal. I'm going to shower. Wanna join?" He spoke, and I nodded quickly.

"Hell yes." I smiled.


Oliver was out of school till that Monday, and then he started school in the same elementary school as Eli. I took them both to school that morning, and I was freaking out.

"Eli, make sure you wait for Ollie after school, alright? I'll pick you both up." I spoke, and Eli nodded.

"I know, Liv. I'm gonna watch out for him. He is my little brother." Eli replied, proudly. Ollie smiled.

"I like having a big brother!" He squealed.

"You have two big brothers, Ollie. And three big sisters." I reminded him, and he nodded.

"I know, but they aren't around like Eli is." Ollie frowned, and I sighed.

"Maureen and Kathleen live in town, Dickie and Lizzie are busy in school," I stated and he nodded. I pulled up to the school and parked before getting out and helping Ollie out of his car seat. 


I dropped Eli off in his classroom, and talked to his teacher about the current picking up and dropping off plan now, and the forum saying I could pick him up after school. Then I walked Ollie to his class.

"Momma, can I just go to work with you?" He questioned, and I frowned.

"Baby, you need to start school again! You are going to make a bunch of new friends and have a lot of fun!" I exclaimed, and he shook his head.

"I'm gonna miss you all day though, Momma." He spoke, breaking my heart. I stopped walking and knelt down in front of him.

"I'm gonna miss you too, buddy. But you have to be a brave big boy, alright? Do you know how Daddy and I are police officers? We are brave every day, and you inherited that." I smiled softly, and he nodded slowly.

"Alright, but you promise to be here right after school?" he spoke, his big blue eyes full of tears as he looked at me.

"I promise, Oliver. I'm coming to get you as soon as school is out. I don't think I could forget you." I smiled, and he hugged my neck as tears stung my eyes. This was WAY harder than his first day of school in Atlanta.

I carried him into his class room, and I sat him down once inside. He held tightly onto my hand, and his teacher walked over to us.

"You must be Ms. Benson and Oliver!" She exclaimed.

"Yes. Um, Mrs. Sherman?" I breathed, and she nodded.

"Yes! So, Oliver, we have a cubby for you, if you want to go and find it so I can discuss some things with your Mommy?" Mrs. Sherman spoke, and Oliver nodded and slowly walked away. I turned to her, and she smiled.

"So, today is just gonna be a day of getting used to how we do things for Oliver." She spoke, and I nodded.

"Okay. Um, he also likes being called Ollie more than Oliver. He feels more comfortable with his nickname." I spoke, and she nodded.

"I'll take a note on that! So, will you or his father be picking him up?" She questioned.

"I will. His brother will come and get him if I can't get him from the class."

"Alright, what is his brother's name?"

"Eli Stabler," I replied, and she quickly took another note.

"Alright, well, we will see you later. It might be wise to make the goodbye quickly so it won't be as emotional for both of you." She spoke, and I gave a small chuckle.

"Too late." I sighed, and she gave me a gentle smile before I walked over to where Ollie was putting his things away, and a few kids were talking to him.

"Ollie, come here." I smiled, and he walked over to me. I hugged him and kissed his head.

"Be a good boy, and don't talk too much." I smiled, and he nodded.

"I promise, Momma. I need to be a brave boy, just like you and Daddy." He replied, and I smiled and hugged him again.

"I love you, Ollie."

"I love you too, Momma."

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